Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    lmao! I am so glad you honest with the situation! Having a sence of humor is also a bonus! lol

    The obvious answer would be to choose one, it might be hard. But if your not really terribly emotionaly invested in either, that should atleast make it a little easier, on would hope. And yes I do think guys have some craazy sixth sence that sends an alarm off in their brains when a girl is about to be done with them. I've seen it tonz of times. I think they subconciously dont want to lose to another male.

    I dont really have any advice, just wanted to let you know that your post gave me a refreshing laugh. Thanks <3

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    I saw the coolest things today while in line at UPS! They were plastic bottles about 6 inches tall, that had a message inside! It was a message in a bottle... get it! And on the out side there was a lable like on a post card. They were sooo cute, but they wanted $6.00 each. I wonder If I could find those kind of bottles at a party store. How cute would that be as a Happy Gram!

    Also they had "Mini Beaches", which were mini baggies with a scoop of sand, tiny sea shells, one of those paper drink umbrellas, fabric tropical flowers and a few other tiny beachy items. They arfe supposed to be like tiny holidays/vacations! How addorable. I think I will try and make some of those XD

    Dont forget to post here when you recive your Happy Gram! We all want to know about your cute cards/items.

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    LOL!!! I most defenetly know what you mean! The other day I was trying to make up my own pattern for a over the shoulder bag, and I cut out all my pieces, and couldnt figure out how to put it together. The finished bad was a rectangle, with a flap top, but it was only made out of three parts... it took me forever! I kept sewing it up and hen figuring out it was all wrong, unpicking it and trying again. By the morning of the second day I cut apart the bag I had been looking at for inspiration and resewing it onto my fabric using it as a lining! I was way pissed by the end and way happy to see the thing mailed off (as part of a swap) I turned out looking cute, but the nect day I rode the bus into town and bought a sewing pattern, for the next time I feel like making a bag! lol

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    And also here is LISA W's TEASER
    (already mailed)

    <a href="" title="Newbie vs Vet Teaser by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Newbie vs Vet Teaser" /></a>

    <a href="" title="Newbie vs Vet Swap Lisa's Teaser by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Newbie vs Vet Swap Lisa's Teaser" /></a>


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    Here is a teaser for ANYA!!!

    <a href="" title="Teaser by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Teaser" /></a>

    Will mail hers out today <3

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    Lol! I totally do too Michelle! Sometimes I'm not even really in the mood for coffee, maybe going though a new tea phase, and I'll smell the coffee isle in the store, and somehow end up coming home with like three different flavors to try! Then I end up being awake all night, crafting like a mad woman because I'm all hyped up on caffine from trying all my new coffee! LOL

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    HAHAHA ohh man Rawr rawr! That made me laugh soo hard! I totally know what you mean. My husbands friends all had a group on WOW and tried to get him to play with them. We're really big into gamming as it is, but he didnt like it....I on the onther hand played it nonstop! After about two months I had to quit. Because I work from home, so I didnt have anything else to do. I really get into the games and I love doing every tiny possibe side quest you can and looking into every little spot and checking out every nook and cranny, so WOW is pretty addicting to me XD lol I love it... but have to stay away from it! I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to walk away Happy

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    PS If you cant find Mod Podge, theres a really helpful board post about how to make your own! I always see it pop up on the rightside of the page in the little box, that has the "most viewed" and "in this forum" sections. Its the number one mos viewed. Good luck, if you and your friend end up making some beads, post it as a project. I'd love to see how it turnes out!

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    Mailed mine today XD

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    Hey that is such a great idea! I have flowers from my grandmothers funeral made into a resin pendant, but I dont think that would look good on a brace let. Have you seen this how-to though? It looks pretty good

    If that doesnt bring it up go to and search for

    How to Make Real Flowers Into Jewelry
    By Melissa Reece,

    The only thing I would change is just to seal it with some type of paint sealer or resin. Just to make sure the beads done fall apart if they get wet again.

    good luck<3

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    Hey everyone I just wanted to get the word out on a personal Craft Challenge I posted!

    I need a cool project to make using Coffee Bag Clips! I have way too many of them collecting in my kitchen.

    Its a competition! Who ever comes up with the coolest idea wins a Bag Of Gourmet Hawaiian Coffee, in the flavor of your choice.

    Its open until next this weekend! Check it out in the Craft Challenge Section of the boards!!!

    Thanks & Enjoy!

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    Yeah the necklaces you can make with tulle and marbles are super cute!

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    Usually me and my hubby hang out at home and bbq on our deck. But last night he went and played age of empires 3 with some friends for a long time. So i ready the manual to my grandmothers sewing machine that i just inherited. Its like a 1940s model and a little different thab the one i had be borrowing from my mom. But i figured it out and then made a cute over the shoulder bag for a swap im finishing up this weekend!! Yey to a fun(though a little quite). Evening!

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    @Rawr rawr- yeah lets do it! Ill message you :-D

    @so lala- its kinda unorganized. You can choose your own
    partner. Just message them. If they say yes just post it here
    so everyone knows who is taken.

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    More going out this Monday! Keep your eyes peeled for Happy Grams! <3 Anyone ready for another address? <3

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