Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Hey @CatMorley can you check pass this along?

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    Weird, I tried mine and it let me edit and save my bio.But I'll tag @Tom so he can look into it.

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    All these ones Tom, Hopefully their give-away isnt that theyre guys, hopefully its the obviously fake bios lol.

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    I think it would depend on their purpose. Like if it is a magnet, decoration, key ring, etc...
    If I saw a project without a chosen catagory waiting to be published, that's how I would sort it out.

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    Aww thanks Hannah Happy Just let me know when you do publish something, I'll "OK" it to be published. And if it doesn't pop up for me then I can tell Tom about the bug.

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    It apears at the very top of the every page. In the right hand corner. It a bit different than the old search but its still there.

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    have you been checking in places other than the front page? Since the big change the front page is for How To's, you have to actually click the bar that says, Creations or Versions to see the other projects.

    Also have you checked your own projects page to see if they did actually publish and you just didn't catch them.

    I'm able to approve projects as an admin, and I just checked that there aren't any waiting to be published. So maybe try again to publish something and let me know, by message, I can go and make sure it publishes, or I can tell you if it isn't even showing up for the Admins to publish. Then that'd be a problem for Tom to handle. But at least we could try troubleshooting it first Happy

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    PS - when you click "Publish" on your project, it then goes into a queue to be approved by a moderator who then gives it the final approval and publishes it. To help speed up the process make sure to always categorize your projects correctly, I've noticed a lot of projects being delayed because the author didn't categorize them.

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    I think I am having the same problem. I publish a project and it doesn't show up on the home page or in the other categories like "version" or "creation". but I know i has been approved because people that see what I do on CO+K via Facebook can click the link to the projects and comment on them and everything.
    I don't know when this will be resolved :S But since they overhauled the site (and still working on it) these weird things keep happening. Hopefully it will be sorted out soon. I messaged Tom about it a while ago, idk if he got the message though. You can always message Cat with technical problems, and she'll pass them along to Tom.

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    Should be published now Happy

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    Make sure you opened it in the CO+K inbox also. I've noticed if I read messages via my yahoo email, they will still pop up as unread in my CO+K inbox. Same with deleting, you have to delete it from the site also, just deleting the message from your personal email isn't enough. Just double check those things and see if that fixes it Happy

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    It used to send you notifications in emails when ever someone commented on a project/profile, sent you a message or friend request, but it hasn't since the last big update/change. I know they are working on some more big changes to the site and updating it. So it will probably be fixed in the next go around. Fingers crossed Happy

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    Oh amen! I have soooo many messages in my inbox it's redicolouse. But it's too much work to try and delete them individually, they just pile up. Happy

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    The only way you can get delivery confirmation ( what the USPS calls tracking) on an international package is to do Express/ Expedited Shipping. And for a decent size package that can run you $50.00! For anything large or heavy it's more. I know becuase I've had problems with things reaching South Africa, Chile, and once in The Netherlands. I've asked my post office about it a few times, and it's just so crazy expensive I've never done it.

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    Yeah I was unable to preview a project I was doing, and it wasn't letting me upload photos. But it seems all worked out today Happy

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