Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    I have envelopes within folders. Bits of paper that are pretty small go into big envelopes, then the envelopes get labeled something like "Christmas Card Bits" then I put the envelopes into a expanding file folders also called an accordion file folder. Also in the folder are bigger pieces of paper arranged by type, color or theme. I do the same thing for my stickers and other flat scrap-booking type embellishments. Paper that comes in a stack bound together (like big scrap-booking stacks) I keep together and right next to the file folders on the shelf.

    I was thinking about how I store paper, and how my file folders are so big its really hard to close them, there must be a fun way to display them while being super organized. So I went searching on Pinterest, and I found this link
    And I love it! I don't think I have the self space for it just now, but when I set up my new craft room after my big move in December, I will totally be incorporating this system for organizing paper. I bet you have the space for it though lol.

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    <a href="" title="Hot Diamond Charm &quot;LUCK&quot; by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="374" height="500" alt="Hot Diamond Charm &quot;LUCK&quot;"></a>

    Ok heres what I ended up picking out with my $100.00 Happy Its a charm that says "LUCK" and has a tiny diamond at the bottom. I think it is supposed to be a sun, but it looks like an eye ball to me, lol. Either way its cool. Plus the diamond has a certificate with it that says its 100% conflict free, which is really important to me. So I didnt get the ring like I wanted, but I like this charm a lot, I think I'll buy some other (cheaper) silver charms to add to it and maybe put it on a leather cord instead of this tiny silver chain.

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    Ok well the winner was announce and it wasn't me Happy so no huge diamond ring for me, but I did get 2nd and $100.00 to spend at their store. I haven't picked out anything yet but hopefully this weekend I will Happy I'll totally post a pic of what I end up getting!

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    Thanks Ladies! I turned it in today!! They seemed to really like it but the other cards weren't out on display, so I could see my competition, lol. They will announce the winner on the 14th or 15th I think. Fingers Crossed for Good Luck! XxXxXxXxX lol I'll let you know how I do Happy

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    Ok here is the one I went with (mostly because of the time constraints of shipping)

    <a href="" title="Valentine 6 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="374" height="500" alt="Valentine 6"></a>

    <a href="" title="Valentine 4 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="Valentine 4"></a>
    "You're Flawless!"

    <a href="" title="Valentine 3 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="Valentine 3"></a>

    <a href="" title="Valentine 1 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="Valentine 1"></a>

    There are a ton more pictures at my flickr page

    its hard to see the true colors and textures of the papers I used but they are a mix of pearlized, metallic, sparkly, polka-dots, cross-hatched, and vellum. Also the sticker letters are hard to read in the photos but not in person Happy I went with the phrase "You're Flawless!" because it works with both expressing your love for the person and also the diamonds. I thought that would be a great idea because it is a jewelry store hosting the competition.

    What do you think?

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    I really like the paper cutting idea Happy But I was brain storming with my mom and sister and we thought maybe I should do something with a theme of diamonds, because it is for a jewelry store.

    I've looked at tons of cards online and I really think I want to do some sort of 3D pop up card. I've made some in the past and everyone loved them. So the idea I have so far is for when you open the card to have a handful of different sizes and shaped diamonds pop up and the greeting say something like "Valentine, Your Flawless." Because diamonds are (supposed to be) flawless. Happy I think I'll be testing out some rough copies this week because I have to have it mailed to them before the 11th (eekk!)

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    I really like the paper cutting idea Happy But I was brain storming with my mom and sister and we thought maybe I should do something with a theme of diamonds, because it is for a jewelry store.

    I've looked at tons of cards online and I really think I want to do some sort of 3D pop up card. I've made some in the past and everyone loved them. So the idea I have so far is for when you open the card to have a handful of different sizes and shaped diamonds pop up and the greeting say something like "Valentine, Your Flawless." Because diamonds are (supposed to be) flawless. Happy I think I'll be testing out some rough copies this week because I have to have it mailed to them before the 11th (eekk!)

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    Hey ladies Happy
    I was hoping you could help me come up with some good ideas for a Handmade Valentine Card Competition I want to enter. The grand prize is a DIAMOND RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O I know, right! How cool is that!!! lol Anyway...

    I'm thinking it needs to be very elaborate and unique. Something with movable parts like a pop up card or a sliding card. I saw this card on Etsy and thought I could do something in this direction

    Please I really need some amazing ideas Happy
    Thanks a bunch <3

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    I dont know of any in a large package, but I like to buy the individual sheets they sell in the scrapbooking section of the crafts. Sometimes you can find a some really cool paper with fibers in it or leaves or stuff like that Happy

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    For learning its best if you buy a cheap set of calligraphy markers from a craft store. They have squared tips, or fine tips. And when your just learning it doesnt matter what paper you use Happy you can just buy a cheap note book that has lines on the paper. I have found the best way to learn is by getting some books on calligraphy. They usually have lots of different fonts and styles in them you can practice copying. The library is a great place to find books! Thats where I have found most I like.

    Also a few I have bought that are really good and not to expensive are
    -The Complete Calligrapher, A comprehensive guide from basic techniques to inspirational alphabets
    By Emma Callery
    -Mastering the Art of Calligraphy
    By Janet Mehigan
    -The Practical Guide to Calligraphy
    By Rosemary Sassoon
    -The Speedball Textbook
    By Joanne Fink & Judy Kastin
    -Calligraphy & Lettering Design
    By Arthur Newhall

    I love doing calligraphy! But I think my fav style is brush and watercolors <3

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    hummm...idk. I guess i would just call every hardware place and craft or hobby store in the area. Happy There are fire resistant fabrics, but they would be too heavy to float.

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