Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Well I dont know if this counts but I made a dotee doll from left over scrap of fabric I had Happy lol thats as recycled as it gets I guess. I'm not really that good with recycled themes, lol.

    I'm up for another challenge!!

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    Oh man! Ok so i wanted to make a yoyo stuffed animal like a teddy bear or monkey. But i cant find any sort of free pattern online. Happy thats what i do with my challenge. To recycle the scraps from a quilt im making. Anyway.has anyone seen a good pattern or tutorial out there?

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    Ok Kasia I chalenge you to make some sort of Hair Accessory!

    I'm working on my stuffed toy! I have a really good idea for it but it might take me all weekend! lol

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    I guess I'll challenge you again ^_^
    I challenge Panda-Goes-Rawr to make a magnet with felt or other fabric!

    Some one can challenge me once more!
    (I love this!!)

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    ta da! Here is my ipod!
    <a href="" title="2011-06-17 16.15.05 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="2011-06-17 16.15.05"></a>

    <a href="" title="2011-06-17 16.14.57 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="2011-06-17 16.14.57"></a>

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    Haha ok! First thing I saw was my Ipod touch! Soo I guess thats it then XD

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    PS someone can challenge me again now Happy

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    Ok ladies! My project is done! Its just waiting approval now. I decided to do a version of Flower Basket Pendant by Caeli L.
    I have been eyeing it for sometime now, but always forget to make it. So I finally did. I added and changed a few things to make it my own though. Let me know what ya think ^_^
    Heres a preview of it though
    <a href="" title="2011-06-15 01.30.03 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="2011-06-15 01.30.03"></a>

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    I totally accept! Yey now i have a project to do tomorrow!!!

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    Woot! As you probally know already I love a good craft challenge!

    I challenge *Panda.goes.rawr* to make a *cute coin purse*!

    Now someone challenge me too XD

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    You inspired me to make a World map marking my Swaps too! Thanks XD

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    ^ i used to climb trees until one day i was trying to retrive a frisbee from a tall tree and i got stuck on a branch that then ripped my pants wide open from the back of my pants all the way down. Then trying to untangle myself from the branch i fell from the tree. I didnt break anything but i hit my head so hard i was sick to my stomach the rest of the day. I dont climb trees anymore.... Lol

    >humm. I saw a teddy bear in Wikiki yesterday that was taller than me. I told my husband i wanted it. He asked where i would put it. I said in the bed to snuggle with. He told me the three of us wouldnt fit in our bed. So i told him he could have the guest room! Buhahaha

    \/ whats one thing that keeps you up at night?

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    Hawaii <3

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    /\ spinich!!!!!! Yummmmmm

    < i think i am comming down with the flu

    \/ What is you favorite swap you have done? If you havent done a swap, what do you think would be an awesome swap theme?

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    Hyllari B. I CHALLANGE YOU... to make some sweet jewelry with mostly recycled items! Like maybe some funky dangly earrings?! YEY go for it <3

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