Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Salt Lake City ComicCon Love
    I'm putting together an Amethyst cosplay from Steven Universe Happy I havent ever done body paint before so that feels like the biggest challenge to me. I need to alter the leggings an top I bought to be perfect, and I still need to make her whip, but its coming together nicely. Oh and buy shoes, but I am scared ill get her white shoes dirty so I'm waiting until sooner to get those. Computer

    Medium amethyst steven universe costume
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    I filled one out for you Happy I think its a cool idea.

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    check out the youtube video too Happy

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    <a href="" title="free comic book day 2012 by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="588" height="800" alt="free comic book day 2012"></a>

    Everyone should check with their local shops because this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day!
    It stated in the US & North America, but has actually spread world wide. So if you've ever wanted to check out comic books, this is a great opportunity to do so! Just call ahead to your local shop and ask. Even if they aren't planning on participating this year, let them know you really want them to next year! Go in and pick up a few anyways, they are usually only $3-$4! Super cheap for such great art and stories Happy

    <iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Here a link to the site, if you want more info!

    If you do end up going please share what new books you pick up!!

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    lol Yeah High-Five! I was actually just looking at buy the new one the other day, but instead my hubby wanted the marvel/capcom fighting game to beat each other up on, lol. Happy I wish they were available on iphone! I would totally have them all if they were.

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    Oh I love those games! I have play the first 2 or 3 I think, but I've fallen behind because I haven't been playing my DS a lot lately. I am a huge puzzle lover! and the art is amazing! Love it <3

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    Yeah I think Skyrim is in my top three RPG's of all time Happy Along with Oblivion and Fallout 3! The Fallout New Vegas and Dragon Age (1&2) and Two Towers 2 and also Fable(1,2,&3) all fall somewhere in my top 10 or so,

    But what about MMO's? Do you have any favorites online Joss?

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    Currently mine is Runescape, but sadly I haven't been on for months because of Skyrim, lol.

    I love WOW (world of warcraft) though, I have only played on other peoples accounts, I just know that if I start my own, I will be playing it non stop! So I have to stay away from it Happy

    Oh and has anyone played the LOTR (lord of the rings) online? I think it looks awesome, but havent had a chance to play it yet.

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    Whats your favorite MMORPG?

    If you want toss up some links so the rest of us can check them out Happy

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    Ahhh! Haunting ground was amazing!!!! I some how lost my copy, Happy I keep wanting to buy it again but the only place I can find it is ebay and they sell for like $60.00 because that game is so cool! It was very scary too ^_^

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    Lately we've been trying out a ton of XBOX360 games and can I please just say I LOVE THEM! seriously!
    Two Towers 2 = AWESOME!
    DragonAge 2 = AH_MAZING!
    DragonAge = Super cool!

    I'm playing DragonAge 2, and I am obsessed! I didnt even finish playing Two Towers2 because I got distracted with DragonAge 2! I love it love it love it. I seriously think its in my top 3 of all time for Xbox <3 <3
    Awesome game, awesome story, awesome graphics, awesome musical score! *sigh*

    I know I'm a geek, but I cant help it Happy

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    Ohh yeah I loved Red Dead Redemption, but the story got sooooo long, that I got bored....ZzZzZz, but it was super awesome <3

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    @Luna. I started rune factory on loan from the library. But didnt get very far. Lol i thought about buying it a few times. It seems like its a lot like harvest moon. Is it? I love that series!

    Also me and my hubby loooove playing left4dead together! We even get my brother to play via xbox live! Its so fun.

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    @Luna. I started rune factory on loan from the library. But didnt get very far. Lol i thought about buying it a few times. It seems like its a lot like harvest moon. Is it? I love that series!

    Also me and my hubby loooove playing left4dead together! We even get my brother to play via xbox live! Its so fun.

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    HAHAHA ohh man Rawr rawr! That made me laugh soo hard! I totally know what you mean. My husbands friends all had a group on WOW and tried to get him to play with them. We're really big into gamming as it is, but he didnt like it....I on the onther hand played it nonstop! After about two months I had to quit. Because I work from home, so I didnt have anything else to do. I really get into the games and I love doing every tiny possibe side quest you can and looking into every little spot and checking out every nook and cranny, so WOW is pretty addicting to me XD lol I love it... but have to stay away from it! I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to walk away Happy

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