Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Yeah the wide tooth comb one is fun. There is a how-to on this site for it. I think I saw it on the top 100 of last year. If not its deffinetly in my favorites!

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    Hey I checked out your shop to see if I could help you out. I know how you feel, I have a shop on and I haven't had too many sales on it yet either. But as far as your shop goes heres what I can think of

    *Make sure you use as many item keywords as you can like with your necklaces you could add in keywords like childens, summer, spring. That really helped me getting a ton more views to my items.

    *Better descriptions of items. I'm still figuring this out myself, lol. But I always notice when I'm shopping online I love when they tell me where they got the insipration for the item and a little blurb about it.

    *More items in your shop mean a greater chance of someone finding your site, and staying to look around. For example they might be looking for necklaces and go to your site, but they'll probally look at your other tings and maybe decided they love your rings!

    *Social Networking, I have had way more sales though my face book than my store! Idk if your site charges you per item to post but does. So things that maybe I'm testing out or want to see if people like.I post them onto my Facebook first and I get my family/Friends to repost the link.

    *Coupons are awesome! If your site offers coupons make totally try them out! People love a good sale! Or if you use paypal you can give them discounts that way.

    *Business cards are great for passing along your info. People I've giving my jewelry to for gifts, like my friends and family I always send them a few. Because someone is always going to ask where they got that sweet new necklace from! Also when you do sale an item stick two or three in the package.

    *Thank you's go along way. I always write a thank you note on the recipt or on a cute note card that goes along with each item. When someone makes a large purchase I even through in a little something extra. For example my friend in georgia just bought a necklace and earring set that was over $45. So to say thanks I through in a ring that matched the set and didnt take to long to make. I didnt tell her about it and she was so thrilled!

    *When in doubt check out someone else shop. Search for items like the ones your selling. Find a seller who has way more sales than you and see if you can find things that they have done to their shop that you like/dont have yet. Like descriptions/photos/coupons/sales/incentives.

    I know its a long message but hopefully it will help!

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    <a href="" title="geekteaser by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="180" height="240" alt="geekteaser" /></a>

    woot teaser

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    I loooove my ipod touch I got it 2 years ago! I use it for tonz of games and some music, lol. I have wifi in my house and that make the ipod ten time cooler for me, because when my husband is hogging the laptop I can pull out the ipod and check facebook and even CO+K is pretty easy to use. Plus they really do have a lot of free games and apps that make it super handy. My only suggestion is honestly you gotta get the insurance for it. I havent had to use mine yet because I'm just not rough on my electronics, but my husbands been through 2 in the last year. WE bought the extra warrenty that covers EVERYTHING. it was expensive, but totally worth it!! Hope this helps!

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    Here is a tesser for Jolanda. I forgot to take pictures of the individual items Happy

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    Sweet Michelle! I dont mind at all, I'm flattered ;D

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    I loooooovvvvveeee RuRu! Drag Race is so awesome! I'm glad I'm not the only one out there <3

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    mine would be the
    Pecan Sandies!!

    <3 its from Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia!!

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    Hey I love this one! I am totally going to do this one as soon as my current project is done. All this pretty much takes is paper, pencil and paint. Looks pretty cool. Good luck!

    Laced Up Sneaker Tote
    By Doris B.

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    CO+K Name : Pammerz
    Country: USA
    Ship Internationaly : YEA
    FAV GEEKERY: old school nintendo and games,The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, video games like Oblivion, Fall out 3 and Bio Shock. Star Wars, Legos, Robots, Zombies, Domo kun, Naruto, Periodic table of elements, Binary, molecules.
    (Hope thats enough for some good ideas Happy)

    I've done a newbie swap and a personal swap

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    I love soo many but my all time top five would be...

    Naruto! Believe it!
    Cowboy Bebop
    Full Metal Alchemist
    <3 <3 <3 <3

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    I love soo many but my all time top five would be...

    Naruto! Believe it!
    Cowboy Bebop
    Full Metal Alchemist
    <3 <3 <3 <3

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    besides etsy you can use and
    Shophandmade is pretty cool, you dont have to pay per listing like on etsy but you can choose to donate to them to help pay for the site and to also save trees! sweet huh!

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    My Top Three would be
    Tea Time

    finishing out my Top Ten are
    Fairy Tale
    Scrap Bag of craft supplies

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    I've used spray paint to color fabrics instead of the fabric dye you soak them in and It works pretty well.

    A few tips though, do a few coats of thin spray paint and make sure it dries really well in between. Dont lay it on thick because it will turn out blochy. I tried to rush it with a halloween costume and it turned out terrible. Also when you leave it to dry, bring it inside or into a garage or something, because all the tiny bits of pollen, dirt or w/e is going to stick, and its gross. If your doing a stencil or something on it slide a piece of cardboard inside the shirt and then completly cover anything part you dont want paint on. And lastly It will fade in the wash (not too bad though). So wash it seperatly, on a cold gentle cycle with mild detergent.

    Whew... ok that all the tips I know of, just from messing around with it myself. Good Luck!!

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