Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Yey Debs stuff is ready to go out! There is one more item not was still drying Happy

    <a href="" title="Tea time swap teaser by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Tea time swap teaser" /></a>

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    I totally know what you mean! lol. Growing up I was more of a tomboy, I played every sport for my high school. Road motorcycles off road, hunted and did all those more rugged things. BUT I also made all of my formal dresses for the dances and cooked/baked, painted, made pottery, jewelry and general craftyness all around.

    I found out though that if my friends found out about my crafty side, they would have TONZ of jokes and nicknames.(I was in highschool, so keep in mind the mentality of highschoolers lol) Only a few people totally knew both sides of me, one turned out to be my best friend ever (still is even though we live half a world away).

    I think that younger people are probally a little unsure about admitting how crafty they are, some times people think your just cheap/poor if you like making your own accessories or clothes. But I also believe that being crafty is becoming more mainstream, thanks to places like this, farmers markets and online ones like and the likes. Even guys are admitting how crafty they are Happy

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    Hey I live in Hawaii, USA. So I have american/japanesse candy I can swap if anyone whats to be my partner. Happy

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    I love that there are sooo many crafty gamer girls out there! I must say that dante's inferno was a HUGE let down. I bought it for my husband for valentines day the yeah it came out. And he didnt even finish it before trading it in.

    SKYRIM!!!!!! WOOT geesh i already have it pre ordered! I hope hope hope they have a midnight release at the store <3 *sigh*

    also has anyone played dragon age? I just bought it for xbox360 and its pretty awesome. Anyone looking forward to the new on out in march?

    Ps. All, yes all, the Lego games are sweet. I finally gor lego harry potter yrs 1-4. And i love it. It satisfies my lego and harry potter needs at the same time! :-P

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    I think two of my favorite authors would have to be Orson Scott Card (of Ender's Games) and Clive Cussler (of the Dirk Pit Novels) They both have tons of books, so if you ended up liking thier style, you could stay busy for a while. Happy Good luck at the library.

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    @Taniss P.- If you read the first post on page one, you should get a good idea of what its all about. If you have any other questions or wanna get in on the Happy Grams, go ahead and message me!

    PS Welcome to Cut Out & Keep!

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    @Felecity- Thats a great idea, to hang post cards! My Family sends me a ton. And I love looking at the scenes from home. Happy

    @EssexDebs- I have seen your jewelry hanging blanket you made for your niece (if I remember correctly lol) And they were super cute.

    Grest ideas!!!! Keep it coming.

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    So great! I love when they show up right when you needed a pick-me-up! Happy I'm going to send out a handful this week, I bought a new magazine on making cards so I have a lot of good ideas!

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    Thanks for all the ideas and warm wishes!!
    <3 <3 <3 Its really comforting Happy I think we will get another pet, but probally wait a little while.

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    Do you think animals grieve? Have you ever expirienced it?

    So I've had my cat (Gary) and my dog (Lightning) for three years. They are BFF's! I think they worked out so well because we got Lightning when she was a baby, and had never seen a cat before.

    I got Gary in New York, then we moved to Idaho for a year where we got Lightning. Then moved back to New York and then all the way out to Hawaii!

    They were soo cute and would cuddle up and nap together. Watch TV together, all that stuff.

    But Gary died suddenly on Friday. He has a blood clot get stuck where his main artery splits to go to each leg. If I remember right its called Saddle thrombus. It all happened within like 2hrs. We took him the emergency vet and were only there for about 40 min.

    Now Lightning is whinning a lot, not the "I'm hurt/sick/thirsty/need a toilet" whine. But something totally different! Its not loud, just kinda soft attention getting whine. She also isnt eating her food the same way. She always gets a mix of dry/wet food and its a hot meal, and used to chow down. Now she nibbles, now and then... all night long...

    Sooooo I think yes, shes grieving. But it is the strangest thing I've ever seen!

    What do you think? Any suggestions to help her out? Poor girl Happy

    <3 Pamela

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    OoOoh Thats a good one! I like the photo holder idea Happy

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    Haha Its fine. I will totally be up for it when ever! Somehow I didnt plan very well and have four over lapping swaps! Tonz of work, but also loads of fun, lol. I'm glad I dont have a day job Happy

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    Everyone should check out Selina's shop. She has great examples of simple but beautiful Inchies! Happy I am soo excited to see what everyone makes for this swap <3

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    Yey! I really like your mermaid. I faved it, lol. Also I added you to my circle <3

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    Hey you, yes you! Do you want to win some gormet Hawaiian Coffee?

    Here is the deal... Everytime I buy coffee they come with these little brass clips. They are starting to pile I use them to clip close food bags and such.

    But they're sooo boring! I've tried drilling holes in them, so I could put them on lanyards. The metal is too tough though. Also they have little teeth on them. I'm clueless for ideas of what to do with these.

    So I thought it would be cool to have a mini contest. Whats in it for you, you ask? Well how about some amazingly awesome Hawaiian Coffee? If I like your project/idea best I'll mail you a bag!

    This Challange is open until the 14th of March, 2011

    Check out the pics and post a link to a
    project or sketch of a project idea on this topic.

    <a href="" title="Coffee Clips by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Coffee Clips" /></a>

    <a href="" title="Hula Girl Coffee by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Hula Girl Coffee" /></a>

    Thanks & Enjoy!
    <3 Pamela

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