Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Haha i know how you feel. The other day i bought a whole dozen stamps to use, set them down somewhere and lost them! I have no idea where they went. My house is very organizmed so i know they arent just sitting somewhere. I really think they fell behind the book case. And its way to big to even think about moving. Tomorrow i think i will have to break down and buy some more stamps! Lol

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    So sweet and lovely! I love all the ones that have tiny tea sets on them! I wish I had the patience to make those out of foundant!

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    I am having tonz of trouble waiting until friday! lol
    I already went and did some pre-swap shopping!

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    We have soo many ladies waiting in the US to swap!

    I'll take on another, becuase I'm pretty much done with Lisa W's stuff were just waiting until the 1st to mail them out to each other.

    First one to claim me for a USA partner(non international shipping) we'll swap!
    Just post it up on here.

    ready, set, go!!!! Happy

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    Awww thanx! Im so glad<3

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    Happy hahaha Bleach Tea Party!! Thats a funny pic.

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    :-] thanks gals!!

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    Woot!! Way to get the ball rollin ladies!

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    Yey I'm glad it didnt take to long. Hope you enjoy all of it!! ^_^

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    Yey! we have alot of new people signing up and so that means lots of Happy Grams going out!

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    Yey i was waiting for this one! I think its a great idea!

    hawaii, usa
    intetnational? Yes

    Cant wait to get started, how long will the sign up time be?

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    You can keep getting new ones, becuase new people sign up. But if you like you can keep sending to the old ones.

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    When I saw the picks they look like they have elastic on the inside of the "condom" and either a clip that hooks onto the back of the shoe, or a really stiff material on the inside to keep the top part sitting up straight... hrm

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    Awesome! We gotta keep this thing going, lol

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    *~Happy Grams~* (Third Generation!)



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