Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Whats your fav video game (of any platform) of all time, and what is your fav game of the last few years?

    My alltime fav would be Castlevania IV for super nintendo, and current fav humm.. thats a tough one. Probally a toss up between Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Fallout 3! Anyone else having this dilema? Happy

    Any really anticipated ones that let you down? (cough*new vegas*cough)

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    Haha Yeah I know what you mean, I havent had a job in forever. Crafting all day is super fun, but I start to get cabin fever after a while! Do you ever buy a album from an artist you havent heard because the cover art looks rockin? I have! sometimes it turned out to be pretty sweet, and a few times it tuned out awful!

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    Yey! Im glad you like it, I am trying to make a few things off there too. But I figured I'd start out small and do some balls before I got into the animals. lol If you make anything cool dont forget to publish it so you can show it off! Happy

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    Holy cow PJ, I just found this awesome site!
    You got me thinkin about those things, which lead me to searing around the net and I stumbled across this site. It has tonz of free projects. I hope this helps ya out!

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    haha yeah, I totally get roped into buying things because of packaging! Expecially if I think I could reuse that awesome packaging. I love things that come in cool tin boxes, or have really cool designs on them. I have boughten my fair share of inpulse buys based on the packaging, not what was inside!
    I also love that a lot of the cereal boxes have gone old school. like captian crunch and fruit loop (over in the US), that makes me want to buy all of them and just display them on the shelf!

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    @ Selina, I know what you mean, I have company coming this week too, and I have to clean up my craft room so it can be a guest bedroom. I have discovered that I have way more stuff packed in there than I thought!

    @ Natalia, I was just making some beads with those types of plastic and was kinda wondering if they would work. Im glad you said something, lol Now I will totally try it out! Thanks

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    Hey does anyone know of a susbstitute fot real shrinky dinky paper? Its really hard to find where I live, and buying online sometimes takes forever, and I want to play with somenow! Happy

    Thanks in advance!

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    sweet idea! I got like a heliotrope, persian blue, red violet! That is awesome, now if only I had fabric to match... lol

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    Hey everyone,

    I just found this site a while ago and I LLOOVVEE it! So I decided to have a sale at my shop just for all my fellow CO+K Lovers!

    If you go to my shop at
    you can check out all my stuff and use
    Coupon Code "CUTOUTKEEP" for 20% OFF any item!

    But more importanly if you check it out, please let me know what you think of it! Feedback would really help!

    Luv Pam

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    will there be a round 3??

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    Some times when I buy fabric patterns that are in german, I use my phone/ipod touch app that translates as I go. I live in hawaii so those little 3D critters are everywhere! If it helps I'll keep any eye out when I'm shopping for any projects in english!

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    I like christmas, but thats it... just like. lol I do enjoy finding perfect things for my family, but they are never big expensive items. And I live half way across an ocean from my friends and family so buying each and everyone of them a gift and then mailing them, seems like a waste of time and money. So usually my imediate family draws names so we only have to buy one thing. But I totally agree with everyone who said they hate hate hate hate HATE hate the commercialization (sp?) of the season.
    I havent decided what "religion" I am yet, I feel drawn to more natural outlook with my own spirituality. Plus there are so many overlapping holidays with in the season, yule, hanukka, kuannza (sp?), AND christmas. I really wish it could be more about family and humanity coming together for peace and love, than gimme gimme, buyme buyme....

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    I think this is soo funny & interesting! I grew up in rural Idaho, USA. I have always loved british humor and the wild range of accents! Favs are of course Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Flying Circus, and now Skins! So I know what the main post is talking about, having slang slip out. My whole family loves Monty Python, so it started out as kinda a household inside joke.

    On the other hand, I have said some Cowgirl/western slang in different parts of USA that people had no idea what I was talking about. Like
    "I got a hitch in my get-a-long" = some sort of limp or leg cramp that makes you walk silly
    "Your full of purple pollywogs" = your full of B/S
    "knee high to a jackalope" = small or short

    Its so funny how much the slang is different around the globe, I love it!

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    Yeah I agree with Craftyfox, whenever that kinda thing happens to me I always check the tension first! Also make sure your using the right weight of thread for the fabric your using, sometimes that can make a difference, and lastly handstich the stuffing hole closed. I dont know how to explain it but theres a little trick that you can do to finish it off so the thread and last knot are hidden inside. I bet if you check out the library here, or googled it you could find a how to or even youtube vid for the stich!

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    I love Muppet's Christmas Carrol!!!

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