Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    lol Yes! Thank you Delilah <3

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    Yeah I opened my Destash Swap to them also! Hopefully we can get them involved with swaps quickly Happy

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    Hey has anyone been to

    If you have, what did you think of it?

    I went there the other day because I googled "swap" and it came up. I like that they had some stricktly online swaps, like sharing fav Ipod games, or reviewing your etsy store/other shop. But I find it really hard to navigate. Am I the only one?

    Ps I have no intentions of leaving CO&K for swap-bot! I just wanted to try some of thier online swaps, lol.

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    Just trying to get the word out that we reaaaaaally really need Crafting Vets from the US to sign up for the Newbie vs Vet Swaps.

    We have a ton of Newbies who cant ship internationaly. Some of them have been waiting so long, they don't come back to the site often! Thanks no good Happy

    Please help out if you can, some of us are doing 2-3 newbie swaps a month to try and make a dent in the list, lol.

    Thanks everyone!
    Happy Crafting
    <3 Pamela

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    XD yey Im so glad

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    Debs, you totally lost me there? lol whats the plan of attack?

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    I twist two or three together and make them into bracelets and add a guitar pick. My brother looooves them. He owns like four guitars and always sends me the strings to make into jewelry. My friends also made thier own wedding rings with some! They kept the little brass circle things that hold the strings to the guitar and they looked really awesome.

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    How cute! Selina always make awesome stuff! I love that she passed along a greeting card from some stationary I made her in our last swap!

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    I will be sending mine out hopefuly over the weekend, but on Monday at the latest. I told Ale about it already Happy

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    /\ BuMp /\

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    Ok Ladies! I am in! I hurried and finished a bunch of my other crafts so I could make room for this one!

    Oahu, Hawaii
    Yes on International

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    For my St.Patrick's celebration me and my husbands are going to eat a delicious meat and potatoes dinner (havent decided what yet) and then we are going to watch the LIVE Season Premier of One of our FAVORITE SHOWS... Destination Truth LIVE in Ireland!!!! I am soooooo excited! We've been waiting for the show to come back, and it feels like for-ev-er!
    ps we might also have those guinness floats!

    @ Sar Bear- check out

    I love betty crocker and kraft kitchens, those are the two places I get all my fun festive recipies!

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    I am pretty clean! When I start getting piles of mess I get clumsy, and start spilling vials of beads, or stabbing my self with embroidery needles, its a little hint to myself that I need to pause, put some tea on and tiddy up a little bit! It happens so offend like clock work that when I stab myself to many times, and always yelling Ouch, my husband comes over to tell me that my crafting is "Paused, for half time" buhahaha! He's so helpful... now if only I could get him to make the tea for me... hummm XD

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    Holy Cow! We check out how many swaps we have going right now, and we havent even made a dent in the Newbies! We totally need more Vets! XD

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    Well if your interested you can join the swap! Its going to be really fast and easy because you dont have to make anything unless you want to. Just saying, newbies are totally welcome to sign up also.

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