Posts by queenfairypants

    Harry, Ron, Hermoine, Fred & George, Mrs Weasley, Dumbledore, Sirius, Lupin - guess where they're all from!

    Lyra from Northern Lights. My first born daughter shall be named Lyra!

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    I do love the vampire/magic fantasy lol but not all of it is good, i've read some very poor fantasy hahaha but twilight is at the top of the good list because the story is good, well more so at the beginning for me, sorry anyone just my opinion!

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    aaaaah! don't look at previous posts don't look at previous pooosts....

    it hasn't been shown here yet but it's coming this week, I was surprised that the boy has sky plused it but it means we'll be watching it together at his HD! but my mum is interested as well so might be watching all the episodes twice! haha!

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    I'm sure we had a thread like this but i couldn't find it...

    I went seeing Spinnerette last night, it was absolutly amazing - ability to perform and deliver, small venue and good sound system, and my idol in the form of Brody Dalle.

    And tomorrow I'm seeing Nine Inch Nails!

    your go...

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    i'd say same as butterfly...tuning/strings, but this is one of those things with something as complex as violin

    however cheap instruments are fairly easy to make in good quality these days and old instruments have so much quality that's how they're still being used

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    I sing - i have grade 5 in singing, couldn't do grade 8 cuz i couldn't do grade 5 theory, would not stay in my head - or try to sing, i sing alright...and i'm gonna play bass again soon when it is delivered! used to play guitar, bass and bit of drums.

    i looove the cello, how do you play with no frets :o for days my boyfriend and I have been going 'ceelloooooo, a bass' thank you jack black (see school of rock)

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    WHHEEEEEEEEEEEEERE did all the love go? cut out and keep board, cut out and keep board (see Kasabian song - where did all the love go?)

    so after my mega rant, the biggest one ever i think, it's only appropriate to say I BOUGHT A CHEAP BASS and it's pink, used to play and now i wanna pick it up again now i have lots of free time Happy

    'soothing sug' sounds like a massage pillow product thing, or a hot drink! Happy

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    thanks for the advice people, really helped me just relax a bit, irma the heart rhythm thing sounds really interesting.

    I know it's anxiety, i meant how do i stop it! lol sorry should have explained that part. I remember going to the doctor once and he said it was anticipatory anxiety and said to wear an elastic band around my wrist and just mess with that when i got anxious, i was gonna do that today but forgot to put it on and then a week later id just be moaning about always messing with the band! I've had these feelings for 6 years now, thank you high school, although now i do think i had a choice and i decided to take the neurotic route, but i can feel myself falling apart this time and this time it's worse because I'm an adult now, it's like i'm on my own and i don't tell people enough about these feelings, they dont take it seriously enough or don't know how to help or don't know how i'm feeling at all. As kiddo said, you don't want to burden people with it.

    OCD is tossed around quite casually and everyone has little things they do. I just think you have to be careful or its self fullfiled prophecy thingy. It's very odd, a lot of people go through the same things but none of us know how to deal with it.

    Courtney - i went through the exact same thing, your 'friends' don't seem as nasty as mine were though. In the last year of high school a group formed of people id always known and got on with but never hung about with before and it was the best thing that ever happened to me at the time, i think it saved my life (bit melodramatic that, would never do anything like that, i think irrational but i do rational lol). If you're not happy maybe try to hang out with this group more it seems quite fickle but if you're not happy, don't hang about! I know its hard though.

    I have found that either other people are the same and just kind of forget about me after a while or it's me thats just weird because i find it so hard to mix, i don't help myself i fade away because i'm sick of trying even when i have quite a lot of confidence (at the moment it's low from being a jobless recluse). At the moment, money is the biggest problem but we just rearranged the morgage so should be ok for a while. We've gone one week with no money for food so all we've had is what's in the house, my mum has gone 1 - 2 weeks with little money before but never no money at all. She's doing everything she can and so am i Happy OOO that was ranty!

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    at the moment the idea of marraige and 2.4 children makes me feel a bit ill...

    as always my man is perfect, I'm the one being distant and stuff but that's not to do with him, it's to do with my problems at the moment. we will rename the thread 'rant about yourself in your relationship' for a tiny second for the benefit of this post lol

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    i'd love to but i can't afford it Happy

    should be coming down to london around december time (my birthday) but i'll be with my boyfriend and it might be even more awkwarder then hahaha

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    OI! stop picking on my accent, innit! Lee Mack is known in aus!?

    yes david tennent ooom....and who the heck is venessa paradise!?

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    I don't really like musicals but Chicago is awesome.

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    anyone know anything about nervous twitchs/ticks - i get really paranoid that there's well, boogeys hanging out of my nose so i itch my nose but it's aaaall the time whenever I'm in public and it's really getting to me now. It ruins every sort of social event because all i can think about is my nose and then when i itch it i get really self concious about the fact that im itching it and it might look like im picking it when obviously i'm not! it's not really a twitch or tick but its something compulsive i do that i can't shake off Happy

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    oooosh young robert plant YES Stephen Moyer also YES, and i've only seen true blood trailers, imagine when I start watching the programme!! damn sexy vampires!

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    my friend met tim burton in london the other day!

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