Posts by queenfairypants

    ooh thats a good idea thanks! I'm definatly gonna work back into it with embroidery too

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    I can't really knit many textures so I thought ribbons and random bits of other yarn would be cool for this purse I'm making, but now I think it looks rubbish! Maybe I can add to it later? Maybe when I've finished it and put it together it will look ok? What do you think to how it looks so far?

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    booties are done so now I am determined to finish my other things - crochet throw, bee dolly, scarf, neck tie and bag

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    I have loads of things to finish but I just started baby booties. I dunno if I'm doing it right or not, its all in knit, but for some reason it looks like ive done 2 rows of purl and then 2 rows of knit so I dunno but the pattern looks pretty cool so...we'll see.

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    orange, silver, blue, a yellowy gold colour and yellow

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    Which projects use square/half round wire?

    I find my wire in a craft shop but recently I got given a load for free. Let me decide if I really want to keep it and if not we could do a swap or something, it's never been used.

    I did a really quick search on German ebay, I'm not fluent in German but hopefully you'll find the right type here:

    You'd probably be able to create wire wrapping jewellery easily with any type of craft wire and some good pliers. It takes practice though.

    edit: i'm trying to get the picture of the wire to upload, it's completely up to you if you want it or not. I'll try putting the picture up tomorrow.

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    So I've gone 3 months with only making a card! - because of working. I have knitting and crochet projects half finished every where so as of tomorrow I'm getting them started again. And I'm going to get some cheap fabric if I go out tomorrow, hopefully, if the sale is still on at this place and start making embroidery peices to sell online. Knitting actual clothes is out of the question because I don't have the patience and can't afford nice enough yarn for it but I'm hoping to make some pillows and stuff Happy

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    I have one that I found when I was a kid and i cellotaped it to a peice of paper, it's still alright even now, bit darker but still ok, I still don't know if it's a real one though Happy

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    nah my entry was rubbish anyway lol not so good with wire, I'm not that much of a bad loser...HONEST!

    what's with all the poptart jokes!? have I missed something from not being around as much! I'm well gonna buy poptarts tomorrow on the way to work, I've never had them...apart from my golden one now of course.

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    how come taz knows already! CONGRATS btw Taz!

    does this mean I've not won something then cuz I didn't know by email!??? *cries*

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    Isn't that because diamonds are basically carbon and we're mostly carbon when we're ashes or just mostly carbon anyway? I don't like that idea really though, each to their own though. I want an eco friendly coffin so that I don't use up wood and don't give off so much ikky stuffs, and then I want what's left to be burried with a tree on top, I know I said you're dead you're not gonna know before but it's nice to feel that you'd leave a kind of legacy 'my nan's gravestone is a tree' they would say! although I'd like a plaque infront of it! maybe that was the point of the skull that started the topic, a legacy sort of thing.

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    double pooost don't care:

    I hate them.

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    but you become like mud and stuff if you're cremated and are scattered, I like that though you make the trees all nice, I don't like the idea of being in a jar on a mantel peice though, I find that quite weird.

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    27 now Happy I have to sort out the myspace or something in a bit, it's just to let people know where the card came from.

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    I'd rather be cremated.

    You're dead, you're not gonna know if you're buried or what, you become the mud and the trees and plants, now that's not beautiful, that's POETRY!

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