Posts by queenfairypants

    eastenders are east enders! of London...southerners blaaaa! lol I'm joking, some parts of the UK are very similar though only with different accents but I'm kinda bored with soaps now, i'll watch it if it's on though haha

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    LOL! bless you

    coronation street is like where I live! all northern lol

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    district 9 Happy

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    hehe there are some other 'episodes' as well

    my dog watches flies and runs away if they get near and goes off to find a safe corner to sit in! I think it's the noise that does it, I hate the buzz too!

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    trailer leaked

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    oh my god! how inconsiderate! and as said, it was one of the best ones of the series! stupid people!

    and my bottle of coke exploded when I opened it sat down in the cinema! and then a man on my row walked up to me and stood over me when the film finished instead of saying 'can I get past please?' he just stood there looking at me with a dumb expression on his face, the lights had barely come back on and we didnt have our coats on yet so I grabbed everything and moved and forgot my umbrella! my mum went back for it for me though, it's our tradition to go watch HP together hehe.

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    Watched the first episode yesterday (it was a repeat, it's on on fridays but I forgot it was on last friday!)

    I liked's very rude!! that's not the reason why I like it mind you! Vampire Bill is! ahaha no I do like it as a whole.

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    ooo seeing the New Moon trailer on the big screen was awesome. I am excited to see it as well! all the girls were wooing over Jake! I think they were excited about Edward too but they really went wild for Jake more!

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    I love it! and the original UK version. The american versions of the characters are a lot more eccentric/extreme/weird, isn't as subtle as the Uk version either but that's not a bad thing!

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    LOL yeh the cinema was full of kids. At first they all kept going 'shhhhhhh' to make more noise while thinking they were being clever. And when the sad bit happens (I assume if you see the film you've read the book but we won't spoil it just incase) these two girls were LAUGHING! we were crying heehee! Dodgy film reel thing too because it went all funny in a bit of the film! but i enjoyed the film.

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    yeh it's cool when cat does things like that Happy

    ooo oo i forgot LUNA LOVEGOOD! awesome actress

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    that was like the best one since 1 & 2! they were leading up to this I think, progress is wonderful but it's such a shame the consistency hasnt been the same. The kids are much better actors now, Harry and liquid luck scenes were sooo good. Ginny wasn't as cool as she should be, which is also a shame because that actress was really good when she was younger, her performance was quite stiff and I've found that with the others but not so much anymore. Oh well, was still good. I don't think they help themselves though because they've missed out a lot of stuff, not that i can recall exactly what now but little things that would take a minute and would make all the difference.

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    I've been watching Buffy Season 1 and the thing with Buffy and Angel feels a little bit too familiar...

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