Posts by queenfairypants

    oo sug it's great, I bet it was fun organising it, or is that just my monica (as in friends) complex!?

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    bit of an issue with money going on so can't get my chest of draws but might ask my dad to buy it me, or buy half or something and I'll pay him back, I won't be living in that room in maybe even not in 3 years time! But I do love my room and I love random junk, it doesn't do stuff but it looks pretty Happy I want to go to an antiques place!

    My Mum does that with my stuff, 'tidies' and then I say 'Mum...where is my *thing*?' and she goes 'I don't know! Why are you asking me!'

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    It's called 60 Minute Makeover and they do a house over in 60 minutes! They take all the stuff out first cuz they wouldn't be able to get the make over done in 60 seconds if they had to move stuff out and strip walls and fireplaces. They always do a good job, getting a bit bored of it now, every weekday I watch it, and the presenter annoys me 'oh what a transformation in 60 minutes' yeees that's the whole point!

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    tis cute, I want some little shelves like thoooose!!! :o

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    I've been watching a make over show everyday, for weeks, and they use wallpaper but only on one wall, the 'feature wall' or just on a chimney breast, and it's really clever because you can have some pattern but not so it's overwhelming and they use wallpaper with horizontal stripes to make the room seem taller, and turn it so the lines go vertical to make a room look wider Happy Really, I should have painted my long walls green and my little walls purple rather then the other way round, but then I think it would have felt too boxed in, although I kinda wish I'd done it all green with a purple carpet but oh well, got loads of green and white things.

    So anyway my room was getting cluttered more then ever, so I moved some piles of books off the floor and onto this trolly that's going when I get shelves but I had other books that wouldn't fit on it. So I put the ones that didn't fit in this big gift bag that was in the room with the presents still in it (which were books anyway), so I put the books from the floor all in this bag and it's great it doesn't seem to take up as much space as a pile. It got me thinking, I've seen these book bags about, so if you don't have enough shelves (or can't put them up cuz of money/landlords or something) you could put books in tote bags and hang them on hooks and handles. If you made them yourself they could have patterns on like in the room etc

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    I love antique looking things. Stuff that would have been in a house when they wouldn't have had electricity, candles and lanterns. Ornate picture frames and furnitue. Infact I love actual antiques, it's really interesting what the furniture was used for and what it looked like. I love ceramics too! But there's retro and there's bloody ghastly so things with a modern twist are always fab! I like pretty patterns and pretty fabrics, yeh just pretty things. I like clever gadgets that help with storage or helps the room serve a purpose (you can tell I've been waching make over programmes). I like rooms to feel fresh and relaxing. I also like cheating lol making the place look bigger then it actually is and stuff you can buy to say, hide yacky tiles rather then having to get it all redone. Home should always look nice!

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    New board wow!

    Lookit! My post count!!! Tis gonna be much higher!

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    omg that would be ace, if the kids needed something you could wheel over to them but you wouldn't need to put down your things, cus they'd be on your lap! Yeh so we went to Ikea...on a Sunday! I didn't think it would be that packed but there was like 5 spaces in the whole car park (and it was a big car park!) so my dad got annoyed and was like 'We'll come back on a weekday, early in the morning or late in the evening!'. I can only go with my dad cuz my mum doesn't have a car (they're divorced) and she's paying for the shelf thing so she has to put the money in my account so i can pay with my card and you can't order the things I want online! Hassle!

    I'm also getting these: in lilac kids lighting hahah!

    Also I bought frames for my pretty pictures I got from New York and Florence (Italy), they look ace! Post pics of your spaces peeeople!

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    I don't even have a wardrobe in my room, I use one of my mums, it's not a box room but it is small and I put things on the floor and don't move them for ages! All I need is shelves and a new chest of draws but we got an Ikea catalogue in the post today (which is weird since my bf was talking about getting something from Ikea) and they have this chest of draws that has cubby holes on top and I think that would be better then having a chest of draws and shelves room would feel bigger. The problem is it's self assembly and me and my mum could probably do it it's just hassle! Also the nearest Ikea is in one of the surroundings towns and we don't have a car.

    I don't like the leg things though and I'm gonna have to attach handles onto it because im not using those tag things. But once I get that in the craft corner making thing commences! FUN!

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    I need to get shelves and a new chest of draws in my room but once I do loads of mess in the corner will go and there will be a nice small space for me to make more mess. There will be a mirror, some pictures, my craft draws and a bean bag to sit on and maybe a little table plus more pictures and a noticeboard thing.


    (How come when I save stuff it goes weird like that!?)

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    I think Chinese, Japanese and Thai food espeically Japanese are really exciting to us because we're so used to our own ways of eating and they're so different, which is fun and interesting of course!

    You just have to really mix in the food colouring!

    I made my dad a cake for father's day it will be up on the projects page soon I hope Happy

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    I'm terrible at making messes, or maybe it should be very good at making messes? I can't help it if I get even the tinyest bit of batter on my fingers i spread it every where and ooh god the hooorroooor! I want to make red velvet cakes!

    And yeh my boyfriend can cook better then me even if its just putting things in the oven for half an hour I can't cope when I have to cook many things at the same time he is so much better organised so hopefully with this book he can make proper meals and I'll just keep making cakes!

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    lemon meringue pie is probably my favourite dessert ever well done! I made rainbow cupcakes yesterday. For Mike's birthday I got him delia smith's how to cheat at cooking, and he really wants to make something from it Happy I think it's a really good start espeically if you don't have the time or money to get all the ingrediants to do everything from scratch.

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    I really want to get better at cooking I can make a meal easily when its stuff bunged into the microwave/oven but I really love the idea of making things from scratch. I can make pancakes (and from scratch) and cupcakes but thats all! I'm making rainbow cupcakes tomorrow and my mums gonna get me some betty crocker frosting which I'm getting you just add water or milk too because that's easier then getting the ingrediants and she's started to shout at how much I keep asking her to get me but she works right near asda! But we're both short of cash at the mo but at least I'm trying!

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    OK i tried to make fortune cookies...the mixture wouldn't go thick enough even with extra flour. The first batch I tried wouldn't cook fast enough but I kept looking in the oven so duuh and so i gave up with that batch. The second batch I just left for 5 mins and the edges went golden brown but I couldn't fold them. It doesn't say to grease the foil on the tray but I think I will do next time which will probably be later when cuz i still have some of the mixture. Also they went all bubbly in the oven! They tasted nice though. And also I'm not used to touching hot things like when my mum cooks something she can move i with her fingers and there's no effect, but they wouldn't fold anyway.

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