Posts by queenfairypants

    thanks for making the font bigger Happy

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    thanks! Happy

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    Pleeeeease can you make the writing a little bit bigger in our posts? I have dyslexia and the size of the writing is making it really hard to enjoy reading and posting! It was a bit of a struggle when it went smaller but now it's really hard for me Happy

    thank you x

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    refreshing is the first thing I think of, it works now though Happy

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    I click on projects but they don't work properly I just get all the text up from the project but none of the pictures or anything one of them includes Cat's ameretti biscuits that I want to make today but caaan't!

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    it's the second link you use with photobucket Happy

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    you need something like photobucket and select the code thats like < a href = etc

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    That's never happened with me but page 2 of people projects (that you get to by clicking on the link on their profiles) won't work. Thought you might like to know :/

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    but there's not a reeeeeaal problem on here, there's not that much spam or anything (I mean like random people putting stupid things, not my posts though, they are important, that's why i have so many! you know what I mean Happy ) and everyone is nice Happy

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    ok thanks cat Happy

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    I find a lot of how to's on similar projects helpful but i find it annoying when it's the exact same as someone elses thing. Right now I'm making that teapot plushie but I'm embroidering stuff onto it and I want to make a how to for it so i don't know if I should put it under the version or what! Maybe have a version thing but you can add your own what you will need bit and a how to if that's the way you did it.

    I get what you mean tara, putting a project on here is part of the fun of it all and it's nice to get nice comments, I always put 'Thanks to *crafter* for the inspiration' when I've done a version or been inspired Happy

    I agree with Cat though, no ikky rule enforcement!

    and p.s. people can see all your projects if they have a nosy on your profile sooo

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    i agree and maybe get people to search the projects before posting their own so they can put it in as a version unless they have their own how to...but I don't want this place going all rules this and that!

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    I like this related projects thing down the bottom of projects Happy

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    *puts both hands up in the air and stands on computer chair* not really that would be dangerous!

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    You do realise I'm just going to waffle on as usual whether I have a problem or not Happy if anyone wants to add me message me and I'll send my address thingy

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