Posts by queenfairypants

    put foundation and powder on your eyelids like on your face then put eyeshadow over the top, might help to put a tiny 'dusting' of powder over the top of the eyeshadow but then that tones it down. When I put blusher on there's the foundation and powder underneath it and then I put powder over the top and it makes it stay longer - that's also handy to know if you put too much on by accident because putting powder over the top blends it in better then taking it off and starting over. Just seen the pics on your blog Courtney, you look so grown up!

    I never take make up out with me if I'm going some where and never re-apply because I can't be bothered haha I put lipgloss on sometimes before I go out but don't bother redoing it later.

    When I rub an eyelid by accident I go 'oh no!' and rub the other one the same amount to even it out haha

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    booo jealous! mine are really light though so I can get away with leaving them sometimes.

    I have used mascara almost every day for about 4 years and my eyelashes are fine.

    the only thing that makes it bad is if you don't remove it properly (that goes for all make up) and if you use the same mascara for longer than 3 months. Eyelashes have tiny micronisms (is that a word?) on them and when you put on mascara they go on the brush then in the tube. I would avoid using curlers with mascara as I knew someone whos eyelashes broke off because of curling!

    It's best to buy a good brand, some have proteins and fancy crap in it too, also it works better when it's more expensive - doesn't clump. These ones that seperate each lash or add volume or both really work and you don't have to put much on for it to work, Maybelline or Bourjois, that kinda brand. If you think black looks too stark get brown. My whole look is based around my eyes, rock n roll glam! I think if you have loads on your eyes don't have as much on your lips, and the other way round too, but then everyone is different.I just think there's gotta be a balance or it looks cheap.

    Use make up wipes to get it off, you can hold the wipes between your fingers and get hold of your lashes to take every bit of mascara off, they're much kinder to eyes then say baby lotion and cotton wool (OUCH!).

    :o so this is what it feels like to have a little sister Happy

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    I'd live in a city for like a year or two just to get the experience but I'd rather live in the suburbs full time, it's quiet and it doesn't take too long to get into the city and I'm thinking as a dog person, i'd like a garden, and the suburbs are the best places for your kids to grow up, better schools and fresh air.

    I suggested that maybe we do that, go and live in London or somewhere for a few years when we come back from Austrailia next year. Got the idea from Cat & Tom! haha the boy liked the idea!

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    I'm such a negative person, honestly, but not on here! good viiibes

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    I'm such a negative person, honestly, but not on here! good viiibes

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    aaw lovely!

    do you pluck your eyebrows or are they naturally that shape!?

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    here's some drama for you! i was using clear nail varnish to seal a knot and I think I got too close to it and I feel all funny!

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    there's too many to choose from! ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD lol


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    :o did you bring me back cheesecake Courtney!? there's a cafe we went to a few times to get cheesecake, off times square across from the Lehman brothers HQ! haha I still remember. Glad you had a nice time, when we both move there we'll go there for cheesecake!

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    you'd think it was October here!

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    aaaw poor michelle Happy *makes you a cup of tea*

    Why can I never be happy? the stress of walking 3 bad dogs on lead, the responsibilty of it is too much and it's only been a week. And they don't seem to be getting better.

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    in this country there is a lot of this sort of thing going on in this field of work. I think telling the company is the right thing to do but stress the part of the contract that said no money is to be taken off clients. If you did loose your job, which I don't think you will, but if you told her family they would support you and stick up for you. They can't possibly fire you for it, it cant be legal, but I don't know for sure and wouldn't want you to get fired obviously. Does the company have a website? Look up their values or whatever you can find like that and quote it at them if they are awkward.

    Poor you and poor woman!

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    thanks! Happy

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    Kasabian used to be a favourite and they're my favourite again, as well as others I've put.

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    yes they are sug!! and michelle!

    but there is a lot of reposting with versions too, however it really encourages people tomake and post a project. When I first came on here I was like 'oooh I'm never gonna be able to post something good' but I did and then when the versions came about it was even easier to get making a posting. If someone posts a version though some of their personality should be put into it to make it theirs. With recipes not everyone can get the same recipes in the same country in books etc etc. so it's about sharing and saying 'hey look what I did!'. And most of the time the cooking is peoples own recipes. That all sounds really corny but we're a happy bunch....(which is very rare for online 'communities')

    and also I think Cat is far too nice to not approve stuff for publishing if there's no reason not to such as copyright and she doesn't have time to check every little detail.

    p.s. snowcaps I hope it hasnt put you off too much and you stay!

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