Posts by queenfairypants

    this site is really good but based in America but that usually means it's actually cheaper even with international postage

    I want this one

    <a href=""></a>

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    today I got inspired and had a search on this here internet about bento boxes and I waaaant ooone! I really want a mamegoma box I love the little sets with the box, bag and chopstick case!

    where did you find the cool japanese food!? I don't think any where here sells it!

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    I'm the same!

    sometimes I get to bed at 11 earliest basically you just need to say 'I'm gonna stop working/procrastinating at x time' and just do it! never happens though cuz you need to go tidy up or something happens! Less caffeine may help too and exersice later in the evening or even having a nap for a bit in the evening so you can go to bed at the time you usually would but still get up in the morning. Not that I do these things I don't have the time or energy haha

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    I love fimo! there are some little beads that have yet to be glazed and put together and a little yellow submerine!

    photo is a bit rubbish but you get the idea!

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    I've been meaning to make a collage of harry potter things with hints at who dies etc I really think the last harry potter release was something significant in our time.

    I LOVE collages!

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    wow great ideas! I just store them in one of those plastic things with different sections but i might start using diy match box draws like the little ones you made as a kid with paper fasteners.

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    I'm going as a pirate, simple yet effective. Happy

    the cut up t-shirt on the projects bit is a good idea but I want to be a sexy pirate sooo im wearing a big white shirt under a corset, black cords and boots and of course a hat and patch and im gonna make the sword.

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