Posts by queenfairypants

    I know but it's hard to comprehend starting with absolutly nothing, might buy Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray.

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    OH my god the dress was only a tenner!

    I'll just have to go and look about.

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    Wall-mart took over a Uk supermarket called Asda, and it's gone really crappy since then!

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    I'm really bad about presents I get excited about recieving AND giving.

    On xmas day we get up, not too early not too late, open presents, then my mum cooks xmas dinner the usual type even though I became a vegetarian this year so I had a nut roast, it was horrible I should have just had quorn fillets! and then after that we just watch tv and films and look at the presents then have like an indoor picnic at tea time and then watch more tv haha

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    Does anyone have any embriodery books? I don't know what I could swap it for though!

    I can get loads of knitting and crochet and craft things from the market for really cheap Happy

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    I'm bringing this back I love these knittas!

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    mmm it's getting a bit dull, even though the 2nd one I've looked through and laughed at that I duno Happy

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    it's a bit like the tshirt dress on the project bit but the waist band thing is thinner and around the boobage.

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    I have a dress that fits fine apart from across the boobage area because it has this bit that isn't very elasticated! Well it's not at all! So what I'm asking is how would I be able to alter it without it being too complicated?

    one side has a zip, should i cut down the seam on the other side and then sew a patch of that elastic stuff in so that it just streches a bit? so I can breath!?


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    I'd like to see a little box at the bottom of the page to tell you who's online please Happy

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    But they should help you! They should want you to get a portfolio together!!!

    I'll tell you where I am in a messagey thing because I don't like putting stuff like that on the internet, we know from people that know other people on uni foundation courses that they aren't very good.

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    thank yoou...its BECAUSE of the make up that I look alright lol I'd just like to point out the way I do my eyeshadow, darker on the outside to lighter on the inside even though you can't see but I like to do it this way!!!!

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    Because amazon are smelly!!!

    in Bear there was a subtle joke about dead girls (lenore, which I must buy) and homocidal maniacs Happy I think it's the drawing I don't like the look of looks too real!

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    I wanna see pics of these brooches Brandi sound interesting!

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    1. If you have any drawings shove all the best ones in.
    2. Stuff with colour in.
    3. And whatever sketchbooks you have that show progress and experiment.
    4. And put every peice of good work you have in too and if you can't physically take it in then take a picture
    5. Mount flat work (as in black or white peice of paper stuck on to the back of the peice just looks nicer with a bordery thing)

    And be prepared to talk about the work.

    Don't you have a teacher to tell you this???

    I'm on the best foundation course in the UK which is highly surprising! But it's true, it's at a college that I've been at for 3 years now, but it's better than uni foundation courses!

    If this foundation course is at a uni, well I don't know what they're like with interviewing at these places but when you go for a degree interview they play with your head so if they say something like 'why do you like this peice' don't say 'I like blue' and if they say 'whats the worse peice of work' don't say 'the worst peice of work iiis'...say 'my least successful peice of work is this because...'. But don't worry too much I don't think they mess with your head when interviewing for foundation courses. But remember CONFIDENCE, when you're an art student in an interview for uni they don't just look at your work.

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