Posts by queenfairypants

    I'm reading Harrowing the Dragon which is a collection of 15 short stories by Patricia A McKillip. I'm very wary of fantasy novels because I hate it when they're too serious or too parallel to the real world. Harry Potter was the only novels and a series of novels that I've read all the way through because I have very mild dyslexia when it comes to reading. I just loved the whole vibe I got from Harry Potter and I love reading so I'm trying to just read the same way trying to stick with it, I get easily distracted and I'm a slow reader. I'm also reading Bear by Jamie Smart.

    Oh I see Stephenie Meyer up there, her books are on my reading list.

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    Bear by Jamie Smart it's hilarius, I'm not into anime/manga or the typical superhero type stuff I just don't like that type of illustration, Bear is simple and cute but not for kids!!! You can get 1 -5 and 6 -10 compiled in books on amazon.

    I also bought Nightmares and Fairytales by Serena Valentino thanks to Snippets but I haven't read it yet.

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    thank you Happy

    I will go and annoy women at boots and keep asking to try different perfumes Happy

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    don't be silly!!! a size 10 is thin enough! If you're thiner now anyway and are healthy then I think thats where to draw the line.

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    hey when's the next issue out, most of them are out around the 17th of the month...I'm really excited for the next haha

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    I used to write all the time too! not so much now not written one for a while....I used to be well I wouldn't say depressed just very very very down.

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    quit smoking

    same as last year ahahahaa

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    I got an iPod, hair straightners, a ds game, chocolate and a craft kit thing and money.

    I really need a new purfume, I like very florally ones...I've used Anna Sui Secret Wish for ages, used up DKNY delicious and red delicious (i think), and I have paul smith (or frank cant remember lol) floral and i also have anai anai (my spelling is very poor lately) but I could do with a new one anyways!

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    I knit and want to learn how to crochet. I hardly ever start and finish anything though.

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    this is sweet pea, in the bath! He died in November though Happy that was a horrible day. He was a very lovely mouse, very tame! I had him since he was about 3 weeks old cuz my mates mice had babies. Sometimes Id hand him a bit of food or bedding and hed grab it from me! He went through a phase of picking up his tail in his mouth and pulling himself along!

    This is Rona. She's a westie whose ears never went up Happy She's 10, we've had her since I was 8 and shes mental and I love her!

    In the past we've had a budgie called Nicky and two goldfish called bart and lisa.

    I really want a rabbit or guine (can never remember how to spell it) pig or a fish tank. I'd quite like a lizard but don't like the idea of feeding it bugs...and I'd like a cat but I'm allergic Happy

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    A place to talk about Snippets Happy

    btw how do we find out about competition winners?


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    I think I'll be making xmas cards for close friends and family this year just need to get round to it! I love that I'll have 2 weeks off college for xmas, last xmas both me and my mum were sat in the living room infront of the fire knitting xmas day. Never finished that scarf though haha. I need to make so many things!

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    well yesterday I stupidly said 'yes I'd be interested in that' when we were asked about PR work in a pub so today I gave out leaflets for 3 hours, I got a good bit of money for it actually more than I had expected. Really don't want to have to do it next saturday but I'm going in tomorrow to give in a form and to ask about working wed evenings and saturdays 11 - 3 ish but as well as that I have college to go to and do work for that but the work load isnt that bad now so I should manage but it's over whelming!

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    I'm a clutter nutter. I have loads of stuff and can't throw stuff away. Every now and then I'll tidy up by shoving everything on my floor into draws or under my bed Happy

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    Now. The middle of November but only to do shopping and things, infact i start xmas shopping at the end of October to spread the cost. I'd say 1st of December is the day to put up decorations.

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