Posts by queenfairypants

    I have decided that i actually prefer the twilight movie to the book. I enjoyed reading the story but it started to get a bit empty along the way.

    Harry Potter is better in my opinion, hp characters have more character.

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    but that's awful! no offence to anyones parents but surely some understanding is needed here? do you contribute to the bills? i can't understand it when people just kick out their kids, rent will be through the roof and it's probably a tough time to get a morgage?

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    i don't think he's married they're just like life partners...and i think they live in france, the talent probably helps the attraction, he is an amazing actor.

    I keep looking at page 2 just so i can look at the pics lol.

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    was she buying a dinosaur?

    Hi tara!

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    happens to the best of us chick!

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    mm I think johnny is hot but i've never been all swoon about him...I think it's because it's hard to relate to an actor, I don't know these people at all obviously but when they're musicians or comedians it's easier to get an idea of their personality. I think this is mainly why people want to know stuff about celebrities...cuz of crushes lol johnny depp as a pirate though SWOOOOON

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    KT - ours wont even go outside if theres fireworks now, you have to encourage her to go out to the toilet! We had new windows put in a while ago so it muffles the noise. because we expect her to bark when theres a firework we're like 'gasp!' but now we relax more and that seems to help. You could make her a little den, like what youd make as a kid, chairs with a sheet over with her favourite toy and some treats in it so then she'd feel safe. they should take the bang out of the fireworks!

    im glad its not boiling hot now!

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    well since we've turned this into a pet thread...

    aaw KT thats lovely Happy

    but you know me = training geek, it's not always just for obedience it's fun too! even the head trainers dog has his moments hehe

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    I would tell you but I'm planning to find a band and call it this name and don't want anyone to steal it!

    half rice, half chips - I love that, and I love ordering it from the chippy too! do you?

    all the other names are great too!

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    haha mine do too!

    KT - i read your post and thought 'fireworks? why' but remembered happy 4th july americans! worked out for the best all that haha! and poor star!

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    at least now they can treat it properly because they know what it is?

    start going swimming once a week and take cod liver oil or flax seed oil!

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    my boyfriend would get a kick up the back side if he said my work was housekeeping seriously.

    I suddenly feel very cool to be british, only being rock n roll and british is cool though! I want to be japanese! Act british lol there's a country all the way around London you know, 3 infact.

    Michelle - if you are lucky enough to be allowed to get a rescue dog make sure you enroll in a training class or get a book, i've seen what can happen when a rescue is not trained and what can happen with a rescue that is trained! (sorry if that was patronising i don't know if you've gone that route or not)

    Irma - is that your bunny? can I steal him/her!?

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    Rhibi! - girlfriend got taste *clicky* I like noel and dylan too Happy

    at the moment it's serge from kasabian:

    he's mates with noel fielding actually he was in a video for kasabian recently Happy was really into their first album and got really into them again because they're so awesome and serge writes all the songs, so that's a way to a girls heart!

    but also Trent Rezner (NIN) and Russell Brand. I like dark and rugged men!

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    it actually warms up a bit when it snows! we didn't get that snow up here, everything was as normal..but even when it rains, everything is late and stuck in traffic.

    At primary school it was so good when it snowed or was really cold because the school was that old that all the pipes would freeze. A friend came round once to tell me it was shut and I didn't take it in haha other times neighbours would see you walking to school and tell you Happy aaw community

    its so much cooler today, I feel normal lol

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    for students and graduates it is really crap, all that time working your butt off for a degree you want to pay off your debts but can't!

    but then theres loads that went straight from school into work and are finding themselves unemployed after 20 - 30 years of work, they never went to college or uni, they trained on the job and don't have the skills for other work.

    there was a report on the news how there's lots of 'house husbands' now and how the roles are being changed, but a lot of them aren't happy because they feel they should be working, they don't mix like the mums do with other mums. And a lot of women don't have jobs that could support the whole family and pay all the bills.

    uurgh it sucks

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