Posts by queenfairypants

    thanks! my first customer has 2 cocker spaniels and a beagle. Gonna go meet them on thursday then start next week, going to do some heel work with them as well so they do as they're told for me on walks haha. I've been unemployed since January!

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    Michelle Quote = 'now thats great advice'

    Courtney Couture Quote = 'that is Happy'

    haha thanks! I stole it though!

    and so yeh I just got a job as a dog walker Happy it's basically my own business! need to sort out a couple of things then I'll start advertising in the area!

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    It's up to the individuals judgement and sometimes I've got it wrong too - I published someone elses magazine published pattern, learnt my lesson, had a feeling I shouldnt have posted it when I did so and when I was typing it up, I did credit the creator and magazine as well but it was breach of copyright really! For one project I couldn't remember where the idea came from so just published it as my own and then edited it when I found out where i'd got the idea...right from here!

    This isn't a snobby website but we appreciate credit where its due. This is a craft website, we share patterns and ideas but originality and personality is something i'd expect from creative people. Even if you're new and you don't think your skills are good enough everyone has their own little things they do that make what they do unique. That sounded snobby though! Sorry!

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    yeh, when i was about 17 a man kept pestering me trying to buy me a drink in a club, i said no and then he appeared again with this beer, i didnt drink it i dont think. He was 30+ and short. A friends brother used to pester any girl he was around at the time, it was annoying he wasn't that much older then us but he was older. There's an elderly man that sits in the bus stop I wait at to go to dog training on saturdays but he only sits there until my bus comes. I'm not sure if he looks at me or not but he makes me feel very uncomfortable and looks in my direction. He also spits on the ground a number of times ick. They don't seem to realise that you aren't a defenceless princess and know exactly what they're up to!

    I really wanna take kick boxing classes, just for fun but self defence skills is a plus.

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    at the moment I don't buy clothes very often because I can't afford to Happy even with the sales

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    make winter accessories in summer and summer ones in winter so then you have something by the time it gets to the right season for the accessory!

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    yeh it's cool when cat does things like that Happy

    ooo oo i forgot LUNA LOVEGOOD! awesome actress

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    that was like the best one since 1 & 2! they were leading up to this I think, progress is wonderful but it's such a shame the consistency hasnt been the same. The kids are much better actors now, Harry and liquid luck scenes were sooo good. Ginny wasn't as cool as she should be, which is also a shame because that actress was really good when she was younger, her performance was quite stiff and I've found that with the others but not so much anymore. Oh well, was still good. I don't think they help themselves though because they've missed out a lot of stuff, not that i can recall exactly what now but little things that would take a minute and would make all the difference.

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    I've been watching Buffy Season 1 and the thing with Buffy and Angel feels a little bit too familiar...

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    I won a £20 HMV voucher!!!

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    uurgh well we were supposed to go today but that didn't happen so now i have to wait till FRIDAY!

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    garbage disposal is fairly interesting in itself cuz we don't have those, lighter + garbage disposal = i can imagine it, and it was probably funny despite it happening in your kitchen!!!

    I got a Nine Inch Nails sticker at the gig last night for my bass Happy

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    courtney - where i worked it was a really girly shop, and mainly women worked there and ALL they talked about was food because they were dieting. I'd rather you obsess about exercising then obsessing about food in this way, set Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in your mind and stick to that because this is a normal eating pattern that everyone lives by! FOOD IS GOOOD!

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    the pink bass may neeeed....STICKERS!

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    omg a cookie you say!? when you post it says formatting help at the side, read that if you don't get what i put now - you put image tags [img][/img] and the link to the picture in the middle, you get the link to the picture by setting up a photobucket account (free) and once you upload onto there you get the image link. i was looking for the dress emma watson wore for the london premiere (i think) but i couldnt find the pic but i found this: [img][/img] and that's my kinda thing, a 'normal' thing but made rockier with little bits like accessories and make up. Like yesterday i wore jeans and a cream vest top with pink details and roses on it but i rocked it up by wearing a scruffy black fabric waistcoat thing and pink pointy canvas flats Happy I felt very comfortable, i need that mix of masculine and feminine. Watson could have done with a black choker a bit like what courtney posted with that outfit though.

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