Posts by queenfairypants

    Those shoes are gorgeous Marieke!

    I was watching an animal rescue programme and one of the workers who went out to investigate reports was covered in tattoos, even on her neck. The attitudes have changed to stuff like that. But the reason they don't let you wear whatever you want is that businesses have to promote an image that is appropriate. I understand why, but it's so fake.

    I can wear whatever I want to work because I'm my boss, but I have to wear scruffy clothes cuz nice clothes will be ruined by dogs and mud. I'll be covered in dog hair for the rest of my life, I buy grey cardigans now cuz dog hair doesn't show up on grey lol for dog grooming there's a lot of pretty clothes out there that are made of material that dog hair won't stick too Happy

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    hormones make me crazy.

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    look at my nails!

    same on the other hand Happy I had to use tipex for the white tips LOL getting some proper french manicure stuff soon though. For the paw prints I just dotted the big bit with the end of the brush then used the point of a wooden cuticle stick for the smaller bits. For one hand I just used the brush for all the paw though then realised it would be much easier to use the cuticle stick for the smaller bits!

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    Yeh i was walking past and he was in his garden as someone was at the door saying hi to his dad and he saw me smiling and came to me Happy i said hello then said 'go on' pointing in the direction of his house so he thought about it but went to say hello to a neighbour first, then went back to his house hehe!

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    Iyon - message Cat Morley and hi!

    I escaped being attacked by a dog or having one of the dogs I walk attacked today. This huge dog appeared out of no where - head down, tail up, walking slowly, maintaining eye contact with one of the dogs with me. He was stalking us like he was about to attack. I walked away calmly with the dogs but I was terrified! The other dog was then following our scent, so we were moving faster than he was but he was still following and the wind was coming forwards towards us so its possible our scent was being taken back to him. I saw him come off one field and onto another while we were almost off the fields but didn't see the dog again. We were very lucky I think.

    On Monday a lovely chocolate labrador came to say hello to me as I was walking to my bfs though Happy that was nice.

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    district 9 Happy

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    My second dog grooming course starts next week Happy I have done my own dog as well as two other dogs, and got paid for it, it just all happened by accident but now i have two regular dogs to do other than my own or friends. I may end up starting my own business but by this time next year i should be up to a more professional standard so might end up with a groomer job not a trainee job Happy

    I run my own dog walking business at the mo but only have one customer with 3 dogs to walk, posters have been up in local shops for quite a while now and the phone's not ringing! I need to put grooming available on them, it's really not the sort of area for dog walkers and its still very much an american thing.

    Well done on getting in a book shivi!

    We took my dog to a charity dog show on sunday and she won 3rd prize in the golden oldies category! We won some food, treats and a voucher.

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    hi tara!

    didn't get that trainee groomer job, didn't even get a chance to apply, never got the form in the post! they closed the vacancy because of the amount of applicants! I'm going to send them my details just incase though. oh well, back to the drawing board.

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    really into the true blood books now, got used to the style and really like it Happy

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    happy birthday Cat

    :o there's a cat in that cake sug!

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    the application form still hasn't come, there's probably a back log of post because of the bank holiday (most people get that day off), I'm worried I'll miss my chance!

    bit quiet here recently Happy I've not been on much

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    I've found a local trainee dog groomer vacancy, I'm waiting on the forms to come in the post (bloody bank holiday means I have to wait until tuesdaaaay!). I'm so excited!!

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    I groomed the dog the other day! First ever full groom done all by myself (usually it's at college and 2 to a dog) she looks pretty good! I know the mistakes I've made and how to get it right next time, I or another groomer would probably be the only ones to notice. So yeh all my equipment came obviously, the box I have to carry all the stuff around in is sooo pretty and I've wrapped all the clipper blades in nice silky fabric to make it all even prettier!

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    aaaw cute animals!!

    but oh poor saban! Happy that's awful, what happened!?

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    yeh it's all sexualisation and it's disgusting, they all look like barbies

    they should be singing nursery rhymes and kiddy songs if they have to sing and children's clothes!

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