Posts by queenfairypants

    I'm so stupid sometimes, I spent 3 and half hours outside today and wore trainer type shoes but they are shaped like dolly shoes/pumps I wore socks but trainer socks so when I got in I couldn't feel my feet. But because my feet were so cold when I get cold it's like my brain starts to go numb too so I must have seemed so stupid today!

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    Dog Agility Club started this week which i help out at. I've been around about 30 dogs (not all at once), horses and I stroked one and seen a guinea pig too.

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    There was a wedding on the news a while ago where it was eco friendly themed but they made their own flowers out of paper, so you could get reeeally nice paper and make them and keep them forever or recycle Happy

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    naaaaw lovely, the one I know was the smallest one from her litter, even as they all got bigger. Seems there are tons of variations in size with all breeds even within same litters. She lives close by and went to puppy training classes that I work at. Only met one sheltie and one rough collie but seen some about...mostly see shih tzus and staffies here!

    Snow has gone now Happy

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    *double posting cuz it won't let me edit*

    turns out that dogs like snow just as much as people do, it's snow and its fun and they're playing and they reckon it's nothing to do with any ancient instincts!

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    yeh I only just saw the sheltie pic on the first page OOOOOOOOOOOOOOM is it a sheltie or a rough collie can't tell what size it is as there's nothing to compare it to!

    I do wonder why dogs love snow! a sheltie or a rough collie has its roots in places that got lots of snow!

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    such as if you wanted to go stack shelves in a supermarket for a bit of extra cash, they'd rather you be on tills at checkouts or something else a little more technical if you had a degree etc - true story
    I also think people are put off when they see my CV cuz it just goes - dog dog dog dog dog dog. So would rather employ someone who wasn't going to go off and do something else in a year or so.

    we would be struggling with or without the reccession due to a few things but bills are going up. Feels even worse when you don't have a job. I had one for 2 months but had to leave due to a few things that I won't go into.

    What I am seeing is a lot of pubs in the area closed down and boarded up, small independant businesses don't really survive either because it's usually stuff that don't interest the majority or too expensive because its an independant shop. It's areas like this that suffer most - former industrial towns, not sure why.

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    Opened New year's eve - perfume, ghds, little drawers for stuff, itunes voucher, biscuits, calander from my boyfriend and his parents Happy

    Xmas day - Big fat comfy pink slipper boots, slipper socks, diary, teddy from my mum and a friend, me and my mum open a present each around midnight on xmas day. I couldn't help it and opened two lol but I have quite a few left to open later Happy and then I'll get money and a bottle of southern comfort off my dad when I see him, some of it is for my birthday too since I couldn't see him because of the snow!

    I absolutly love presents, I use every single thing and appreciate every single thing. love giving too.

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    Emma - It is of Old French and Old German origin, and its meaning is "entire, universal". Originally a short form of German names such as Ermintrude.

    Barbara (yes yes I have an old lady name, I was named after my Nan!) - It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "foreign woman". The adjective was originally applied to anyone who did not speak Greek; it has the same root as "barbarian". In Roman Catholic custom, Saint Barbara is invoked as a protector against fire and lightning; she is patron saint of architects, stonemasons, and fortifications.

    Jones - Son Of John (John's son, you can see how it changed to Jones) A patronymic name meaning "son of John," the given name John deriving from the Hebrew Yochanan meaning "Jehovah has favoured." Jones is a popular surname among European Christians, as the name John was bestowed in honor of St. John the Baptist and many other saints by the name John. JOHNSON is a common English version of this surname. Jones is the most common surname in Wales, where "son of" is denoted by the "s" ending.

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    hope it's merry

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    haha thanks, he melted and his head fell off! lol he had legs but you can't really see them and they don't look in proportion but they did in real life. I made it at 10.30 pm lol it was snowing really heavily and I just had to go out in it. My real dog spotted it and sniffed at it when she went out later that was so cute, same breed as the snow dog Happy

    Snow is still here but all drippy hope it lasts tomorrow I love going out in it.

    CC - can't imagine it being hot and xmas! I'm in australia next xmas it's gonna be so weird.

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    I found this dog outside!

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    well I haven't been doing that many, still learning but here is the most recent:

    Yorkshire terrier, completely scissored body and head loooove scissoring, no clippers involved apart from on the 'sanitary area'. Hoping that one day I'll be able to completely scissor some breeds but it takes a long time to get speed up espeically with some kinds of coats, not everyone wants it some just want them shaved on and some owners get no choice, can't have a nice finish if they don't brush the dog at home = knots & matts. Head was done by a work mate because she was so annoyed at how it was growing, he was all square but I would have cut it the same.

    he's so cute and wouldn't keep still for a pic!

    nuther scissored one, lhasa apso puppy:

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    lol thanks michelle!

    thanks tara

    I haven't been crafting much lately, need to catch up on some knitting! Grooming dogs is very creative though Happy

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    eastenders are east enders! of London...southerners blaaaa! lol I'm joking, some parts of the UK are very similar though only with different accents but I'm kinda bored with soaps now, i'll watch it if it's on though haha

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