Posts by Princess Pam-attitude

    Yeah you should report them ASAP to Cat Morley or crafterella! Because that's not tolerated around here. I have never heard of that happening to someone here just out of the blue. I'm sorry they decided to insult and pick on you. Happy

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    cool I just joined Happy

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    Yeah I used colored pencils Happy If I'm making my own shrinky dinks from recycled plastic I make sure to rough it up on one side with some fine grit sandpaper, so that the color will stay in place on the plastic and show up really well.

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    Aww thanks Hannah Happy Just let me know when you do publish something, I'll "OK" it to be published. And if it doesn't pop up for me then I can tell Tom about the bug.

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    Oh jolanda, that's too bad Happy I'll send out a message about it and see if any of our Angels can help. I know Joss loves Pokemon, maybe she has some she can pass along to you

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    I like to make curtains from them, cut them into strips and make rag rugs, or use them as backing for a quilt Happy

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    Awesome, thanks Kat. I'll get your name put up on the list ^_^

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    It apears at the very top of the every page. In the right hand corner. It a bit different than the old search but its still there.

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    have you been checking in places other than the front page? Since the big change the front page is for How To's, you have to actually click the bar that says, Creations or Versions to see the other projects.

    Also have you checked your own projects page to see if they did actually publish and you just didn't catch them.

    I'm able to approve projects as an admin, and I just checked that there aren't any waiting to be published. So maybe try again to publish something and let me know, by message, I can go and make sure it publishes, or I can tell you if it isn't even showing up for the Admins to publish. Then that'd be a problem for Tom to handle. But at least we could try troubleshooting it first Happy

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    Yeah Libby, I'd love to make some of those!! They look so cute, I really want to try some of the hand sewing like she has on those pin cushions, satchels Happy I'll message you though.

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    That is a really cute dotee! I love that it is a snowman,
    I wouldn't have thought of that!

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    I think it's ok, if you don't have picture of the steps, but don't find random pic on the Internet to use if you don't have your own. Everything submitted is supposed to be your own stuff.

    If you don't quite remember all the steps, it's probably a good idea to just post it as a Creation project rather than a Tutorial.

    It's also a good idea to get in the habit of taking pics durring the process of all the stuff you do, just in case it turns out cool and you want to make a tutorial Happy

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    This is one off favorite projects I've done Happy
    I have made a bunch more since these and in a bunch of different sizes, which looks cool when they are all together because it looks like a little mushroom patch.

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    Any sing of my package to you Hayley? :S

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    Any sing of my package to you Hayley? :S

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