Posts by Arty Kitkat

    You could look for something like a halter neck bra with a clear strap or a pretty strap that goes with the theme. That way you back would still be pretty bare but you'd feel supported. Also you can get those stick on bras although I have to admit I'm not sold on them. I'm not quite sure how they could give that much support. I also think I'd be worried about them coming unstuck!

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    It looks cool. I started one a couple of months ago too Happy It needs tweaking but cool fun.

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    I've been really low the last few days since my psychiatrist appointment. He wants to change my meds around and its thrown me into panic and this really low mood. I rang up in a state friday and the out of hours number thursday night but noone got back to me so I posted my new meds through the letterbox in an envelop addressed to the psychiatrist saying i rang at 9am and noone rang back. still noone has called. its just reinforcing my negative thoughts that theres no point, noone cares, I'm boring people, blah blah blah.... i'm even irritating myself Happy

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    I can't seem to log in even though I do???!!! I log in and my name comes up in the corner saying hi arty kitkat and the message on the screen says my password is wrong. I also can't get to my profile or projects to see what new comments have been added. Its really odd. I'm therefore posting this even though I'm apparently not logged in or registered!!!

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    make a doctors appointment. Say from the start that its your biggest worry. And write down some notes beforehand. I always find I forget things or can't think where to start so notes can help. Good luck.
    Here are a couple of websites that might help - Pete Wentz talks about his problems with Depression. - uk site but really good.

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    Rhibi I love the paper on the bag. Its cool Happy Can't wait till others get their bags. I love checking out the piccies Happy

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    I just noticed something spooky. I put that I'd love to be more balanced and I'm a Librian! It didn't even occur to me to put my starsign and I didn't write the balanced bit for any other reason that i genuinely would like more balance in my life Happy Anyway, thought I'd share that with you all.
    Cheers Miss Dee for the extra info. I can't get my crafty brain cells into action.

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    Cool Happy Thanks

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    That's great Angellina \o/ Hows everyone else doing? I've made my little book so I'll just need to get your address Dani and I'll send it on. Happy

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    Cool Happy This is going to be fun. Miss Dee, good to meet you. Have you filled in the survey yet?

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    Teen years can be shit Happy Keep going though and it does get better. I think one of the hardest things I found about being depressed as a teen is that you only have so much life to compare everything too. I know that makes no sense at all but what I mean is that being depressed for 2 years at 34 is just a small fraction of my life. Having a 2 year episode when I was 15 was a massive chunk (about one seventh?) so everything seems to feel like its going on forever and you have so much new stuff to try and get your head around - periods, boobs, boys/girls, exams, hormones, spots, friends, school, alcohol, careers stuff, moving out,identity stuff, you name it. Theres tons more I know but apparently the only time in your life when you will go through anywhere near this much change is retirement!! So Courtney be kind to yourself, your dealing with all of that plus a load of other stuff I don't know. You just need to keep going and hang onto the fact that it does get better. If you think you might be depressed go and have a word with your doctor. If you don't think they're taking you seriously and think its just normal teen stuff then see another one. Good luck x

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    Excellent Happy Welcome aboard Ezme! We now have enough to get started \o/.
    Right we can now start making our books. Everybody get yourselves 6 smallish bits of paper and attach them together to make a small book. On the front page put your name, address and CO&K ID. Now decorate the rest of this page anyway you like. You can put more stuff about yourself too if you want.

    Now check out the order below. Find your name and look for the person next on the list. You will now need to make contact with that person to find out their address. You now post on the little book you have made to this person. Gradually you will start getting books posted to you (by the person before you in the list). As you get them, take the next page and write your CO&K ID and anything else you want to share about yourself.

    When you get a book that only has one page left fill it in and then, rather than sending it on to the next person like you would usually do, send it to the person on the front page who started the book off.

    Sorry, if I'm over explaining this but I thought I'd better be on the safe side.

    Right, our order:

    1. ArtyKitKat
    2. Dani
    3. Martha
    4. Erica L
    5. angellina
    6. Ezme

    Ezme, you will need to get my address as you will be sending onto me as there's noone after you.
    If anyone wants to join later then can be added to the head of the list and send a book onto me. Just send me a message to say you want to join.
    Okay, we can get started Happy Let me know if you've got any questions.

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    We finally freecycled the TV & Freeview box a couple of weeks ago and got a £35 back from the TV License people which we weren't expecting \o/.

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    Name: Kat
    Magickal Name: Kathakana
    Religion: Humanist
    Favorite Color(s): Green, Orange, Yellow and Bright Pink
    New Age Interests: Crystals, Holistic Massage, Aromatherapy, Chakras, Meditation, Fairies
    Specialty: Qualified Holistic Massage Therapist, Meditation & Relaxation Techniques
    I love: Fairies, rain, candles, meditation, incense
    I work with: massage oils, accupressure, essential oils (but only on myself as not qualified)
    I would love to: feel balanced

    Are you interested or actively working with:
    Runes: No
    Tarot/Oracles Cards: No
    Crystals: Sometimes but still learning
    Herbs and Healing Plants: yes
    Faeries: I draw them and paint them but don't really incorporate them into what I do
    Other: Chakras

    Random Tidbits!! : I love cats, recycling, gardening, reading & science

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    Just thought of another - Robert Downey Jr. he's got such naughty eyes ;) And like Mr Depp, an amazing actor too.

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