Posts by Arty Kitkat

    I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog to win these 2 ceramic heart ornaments. It's open worldwide and the closing date is 17th January 2015. Visit my blog for more info on how to enter

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    I have a second shop selling goth themed items - at the moment it just has two pieces of jewellery listed but will have mix of items soon, not just jewellery

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    What an excellent idea, especially now people are starting to think about Christmas and present shopping - here's where I have my jewellery shop


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    I didn't learn about it till really recently and have run giveaways on my facebook page in the past. I think its a real shame if fb do get too rigid with the rules as its a really great way to get exposure for a small business.

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    I just learnt that you can't do facebook giveaways - its apparently against facebooks terms and conditions - the link to it is here and here's the t&c

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    I'd recommend using as many free social apps to promote your shop as possible. For me the most successful ones from driving traffic to my shop are facebook and twitter.

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    Cool idea for a giveaway - just entered Happy

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    Wow these are really beautiful but unfortunately I'm a bit short on cash at the mo. Do you have anything like a justgiving page so I could sponsor you when I get paid.

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    A friend of mine has set up a new website that aims to showcase and support British Designers/Artisans. If you would like to get you online shop added to the list of designers then visit the facebook page her and there will be more details on how to join. You can also have a little nose around the site by going here


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    That's such excellent news Hannah. Well done Happy

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    Hi - I have my shop on my own website

    I'm also on Twitter as!/WoodleyDo

    and Facebook as

    and Google+ as

    I shall have fun looking at others shops Happy I've already gone to peoples fb pages and liked them.

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    I've got a shop on Folksy too so I've added you as a favourite shop. They are lovely things you have in your shop. My only recommendation would be to make a lot more stuff - the more stuff you have in your window the more chance you have of getting noticed. Also go to the forums - Folksy has such a lovely community spirit and people are really generous with their advice. Also you can post pics of your stuff in various themed threads, which increases the views to your shop.

    I'd also get in on using social media too. Get a presence on facebook, twitter and flickr. Folksy has a good widget you can add to your facebook page which allows facebook fans to view your shop window.

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    I'd recommend joining a life class. I did a life classes when I was doing my A-levels and it did wonders for my drawing skills and confidence. Also it will build up your portfolio quickly as the models rarely hold long poses, its usually a series of short poses which you can use to make a bigger piece or just have them as they are. The thing about life drawing too is that it usually goes down well as its shows off your skills and shows you can do the basics (I'm not sure thats the right word) - my art teacher used to say that life drawing is one of the foundations of art and it gives you really transferable skills. I hope that makes sense and helps.

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    I'm following you too Happy Mine is at

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    What about Miss Clara Meis' Bath and Beauty Products

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