Posts by Arty Kitkat

    Lol Happy Simply soap may sound a bit like Simple Soap which is an existing product. I'm not sure how copywrite laws work but I would have a good scan around the internet to check that anything you go with isn't already out there and owned by some big brand. One of our friends posted something on his site as an idea for his band and got some legalease email from someone claiming to be that artist. He was only posting it for a laugh but companies/artists can take things very seriously even if you've never heard of them. Also it would be crap if you spend loads of time and money designing a logo and marketing your product only to find you can't use that name.

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    Sounds like a daft question but whats your dogs name? I use my cats' nickname for my shop. I think creating a shop name is hard but I like knowing that it has some personal significance.

    Another tip I have been told before is to gather together all the things you can think off that are meaningful to you and the brand you are selling. When you have them all in front of you it might get your creative side working. You just write down everything that comes into your head, good or bad, and then sift through them.

    How is Mei said? I'm assuming its said 'me'. If it is then that opens up lots of possibilities. I'll have to have a think on this and come back to . Soaps sounds like a really good idea for expanding your range though so good luck with them.

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    You could try Folksy which I think is UK based and I'm with Dewanda which is a European based site so you price things in Euros. I had an Etsy shop but stopped using it as you get charged for listing items. I prefer Dewanda as they charge a commission from the items you sell over 10 euros which I think is much better.

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    I found a currency converter online to convert pounds to dollars. I have a rough idea how much postage is as I sell a lot on amazon.

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