Posts by Arty Kitkat

    I love reading blogs especially anything crafty, green, goth or that has cute cat pics on it Happy

    Here are a few of my favourites:

    Itty Bitty Kitty Committee (cute kittehs)

    Books of Adam (funny art)

    Talk to Trees (art/craft/spiritual blog)

    Outsapop (alternative fashion blog)

    Underground New York Library (what people are reading on the New York Subway)

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    I love the Professor Layton series and think I've played all of them. I didn't totally finish the most recent one as I borrowed it from a friend. Luke irritates me though ;)

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    I have one for all the cool swirly and spiral pics I find around the web. I also have the occasional thing from my shop and others on Folksy but the theme is always spirals and swirls -

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    I finally got myself my own domain so I've moved my blog and shop over to it. Its at

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    I do Happy

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    I've created an account and I'm Kathakana

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    oooh I just had a look and it looks like it could be cool

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    I'm a massive fan of Nethack and I've found an original version of it online so you don't have to fiddle around downloading it Happy

    Just in case you haven't heard of it before, Nethack is the original adventure game where you wander around dungeons collecting gold, buying stuff, casting spells and ultimately searching for this magic amulet. Its been around since the early 80s so there are no flashy graphics at all.

    If there are so serious geeks out there who want to give it a try just copy and paste this link

    You first get the option of being assigned a random character or you can choose for yourself. Once you get started your character will be a '@' sign and you will have a pet which follows you round and helps you to kill things. You move your character round using the arrow keys, you can check your inventory by pressing 'i', and you can pick things up by moving your character onto the item and pressing ','. There are loads of other commands and you can find them by pressing '?'.

    If you want some info on the game there is an extremely comprehensive wiki online at

    Just thought I'd share that with everyone in CO&K land Happy

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    Happy I can't get it to load. Its probably Flash issue as my computer doesn't seem to like Flash v much.

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    Me & my bf are members of a group on Flickr where you post photos of objects/buildings/anything really where there unintentionally/accidentally looks like there is a face . As a result we've both got pretty good at spotting faces in all kinds of random things. Its really silly but fun Happy

    If thats all sounding a bit weird and not making much sense I'll post a few examples -

    Confused Door

    <a href="" title="Confused Door Handle by Kathakana, on Flickr"><img src="" width="180" height="240" alt="Confused Door Handle" /></a>

    Hungry House

    <a href="" title="Hungry house is hungry by Kathakana, on Flickr"><img src="" width="180" height="240" alt="Hungry house is hungry" /></a>

    I thought it might be fun to post a thread here and get others spotting faces in random places too Happy

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    Also check out this site I can't remember who from here posted it but it was mentioned on another one of the threads about blogging and it has some hints and wallpapers, buttons that you can download for free.

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    My blog is through blogspot which is google and its pretty easy through them. You don't need to be able to programme in html or anything, just pick from the applications what you want on your page. The trickiest bit is coming up with a name for your blog Happy

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    I like the Unclutterer blog ->
    I also really like and

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    Michelle every time I try and look at the Alice thread on the film & tv board my computer shuts all the windows I have open! It really doesn't seem to want me to look at it which is a bit odd. I has occasionally done this in the past to things I've looked at on MSN but this is just odd. This therefore means I can't view the episodes you posted. I'll have a look on you tube though.

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    I'm addicted to GTA Chinatown at the mo and have been gently working my way through it - I'm something like 61% completed now Happy I love GTA

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