Posts by Arty Kitkat

    I'm definitely showing signs - my fabric scissors are sacred items and my bf knows my reaction if he tries to use them on anything else ;) I've also got multiple pin cushions and needle books.

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    Is it this technique you're trying - I've never tried it myself but if it is you could try leaving a comment with a question on the tutorial or message the person who made it.

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    I saw the nail piercing tutorial appear a few days ago and just assumed it was you as you'd posted here that you were going to do one.

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    You could also check charity shops for flat bed sheets or even pick them up new, if you know somewhere that sells them reasonably priced. I'm afraid I only know UK shops so that wouldn't be much help.

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    Do you have a pic I could see - we don't have a Pier 1 where I am.

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    Also you could make leg warmer - I've used them in the past to make breaking in my DMs a bit more comfortable. I've also made phone cases from leggings in the past too as the stretchy material makes a nice and cosy fitting case.

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    Fred Aldous is definitely a UK website - I think its based in Manchester. They do loads of different coloured felt and start from 45p. The only issue I have buying online is that you end up paying postage which can add up to a big part of the cost if you're only buying a low cost items.

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    Do you have a hobbycraft nearby. They're usually pretty good for that sort of thing, although I always have to be careful I don't overspend. I also buy fleece scarfs from the £1 or 99p shops and use those for felt projects. Its not quite the same as felt is close enough for most projects. I also have a fabric stall on my local market so sometimes get felt there. I wouldn't recommend Wilcos though as the felt they sell in packs is not very good for sewing. Its a bit cheap and not very good quality. The other option I can think of is Fred Aldous as they sell stuff online -

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    Sew Magazine are doing a deal on their website where you can sign up for 3 months for £3. Its an amazing deal as the magazine is normally a couple of quid plus you always get a pattern free too and thats normally worth about a tenner.
    Go to this website -

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    I usually sew by hand and I find it calming. For years I used to get a bit over excited and rush things but since I've really got into reading I've managed to calm my enthusiasm and enjoy the fact that it takes a while to do. Also when I rush it, it only comes unpicked later on and never looks as good. I also love the satisfaction that comes with using something you've made from scratch. I recently posted a pick of the bag I made for myself for work and I love using it. Also you can tweak it later on if you like.

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    It depends what mood I'm in. I would definitely agree that in terms of speed, strength and finish machines win hands down. In spite of that I do love hand sewing. You can just sit with it on your lap with some music on and gently sew away. I find it very relaxing.

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