You could also try the trick of using an old tea towel and an iron. You basically iron the stained bits with a tea towel over the stain and the heat melts the wax and the towel soaks it up. I think you can use brown paper too. Also chalk is also meant to be good for oily stains. You apparently rub it over the area thats stained and then bung it in the wash. If any of the items are just plain white you could also use some diluted sterilising fluid.
Posts by Arty Kitkat
You could try getting together a bundle of magazines, colour charts, clothes, photos, fabric, anything that inspires you and each fill a box with as many items that you like or inspire you. You then sit down with each others box and look through and have a 'I like too' pile and a 'meh' pile If you don't want to physically do it you could also create a couple of boards on pinterest each - one for pinning the things you like and one for repinning the things your sister has pinned and you like too. Good luck though - its got to be tough sharing when you're older so hope you are able to work something out.
You could have a go at making your refills - there's probably a tutorial on here or there's one here
I use a Mooncup and although it takes a little getting used to, I wouldn't go back to pads or tampons. Its also so much better for the environment. I only use pads now as an emergency stash which I keep in my bag just in case I'm caught out.
I saw this too - its cool
Michelle have a look on Amazon for Alvin Hall - he's written some great books on getting out of debt and living within a budget. He used to have a show on UK telly so you might find him on youtube too. Martin Lewis is another good person to look for online. He has a website (I think) - Although he's UK based some of the stuff he passes on are applicable whereever you live. He also has a budget planner on his site and tips for cutting down outgoing.
As a glasses wearer too I got my last pair from Glassescrafter - they're online and saved me tons. I got my current pair for £40 as a opposed to £300 (which is what they normally cost).
I've also started visiting our local Scrap bank. Do you have one near where you live. You normally pay a yearly fee and you can visit it and pick up crafting supplies. They are basically other peoples rubbish and lots of stuff from industry like off cuts and carpet tiles. Great for recycling and once you've paid your yearly fee most stuff is free.
I'm permanently skint so I can empathise. I try and cut costs where I can but its really tough.
As a mooncup girl I would say if its a comfortable fit its worth every penny. I wouldn't go back to pads or tampons now as they create so much waste and pretty pricey in the long term.
We've also grown herbs indoors and if you have space for a hanging basket you could try strawberries or tomatoes. We have a balcony which we share with everyone in our block and we have flowers grown out there. We also grew squashes the other year. They didn't get as big as they would if they were outdoors but they were good. And we have been growing chili peppers for the last few years on the window sills.
Onions are really easy, especially if you go to your garden center and look for onion sets. They are onions which have been started of so they are like little onions which you plant out and grow till they are fully grown. Courgettes are really easy too but you need to make sure you space them well as they need a lot of space Don't grow them though if you don't like courgettes tho as they produce loads and you need to pick them regularly or you'll end up with marrows. They still taste nice but they can get really big.
Another one thats easy is sweetcorn. You need to start them off indoors. What you do is get some kitchen roll or toilet roll and get it wet. You then put your sweetcorn seeds on the soggy tissue and cover it over with cling film or a clear plastic bag to keep the moisture in and then in about a week when you have little shoots you plant them out in pots or in your garden.
Yum I love all things spicey. My favourite are Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg, Tumeric, Cumin, and Coriander (or is that a herb?). Oh and chilli and pepper.
I've just been down my allotment and spotted lots of new life
These are our raspberries
<a href="" title="Raspberries by Kathakana, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Raspberries" /></a>
This was in our neighbours plot as I've haven't even got buds on yet
<a href="" title="Daffs by Kathakana, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Daffs" /></a>
And our lavender is looking really alive again
<a href="" title="Lavender by Kathakana, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Lavender" /></a>
Violetta your cat is so cute
Me and my boyfriend went out down our allotment last weekend and we have crocus bulbs coming up all over the place. I can't wait till they flower. What have other people noticed? I love spotting the little signs of life that start popping up at this time of the year
no worries