Posts by Arty Kitkat

    I'm a pinterest addict so feel free to follow me -

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    I don't know about just rating crafters by how many projects they're submitted. It encourages quantity over quality. Maybe something that's updated monthly based on how active you've been that month. That way it stays up to date.

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    I forgot to say, I'm on DA too -

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    Holland and Barrett (UK healthfood shop) sell chai tea mints. I love them. I also love coltfoot rock but haven't seen any in years. Another favourite is treacle toffee flavoured mega lollies.

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    I think if you have a fuller bust then I would steer clear of the orange as it may show a bit too much and you might spend the night checking for wardrobe malfunctions. The pink one is more forgiving and probably my favourite. It's tricky to tell from your avatar but if your colouring is fair with reddish hair or blond hair then pink would work really well. If it was darker with dark hair then the orange would look fab too.

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    A couple of years ago for world mental health day I gave clients where I work (mental health daycentre) the same task. We were bringing the gift bags of goodies into the psychiatric ward on World Mental Health day and we did enough for everyone who was an in patient.

    The kind of thing clients included were drink sachets (like hot chocolate/herbal tea), puzzle books, toiletries, sweets/chocolate, note pads, and that kind of thing. I also suffer with mental health issues and have a box by my bed which I call my depression box and I keep a few little books (including a few with cute pics of cats), a puzzle book, note pad, herbal tea, my DS, lip balm, tissues, hand cream and some cotton gloves for when I get agitated as it stops me picking my fingers to bits. I also have a strange puzzle thing that you can twist and manipulate in your hands to keep them busy. They were being given out by the NHS to help people quit smoking.

    I also use several aps on my ipod - the ones I use are one called 'Calm Down', 'Mood-Anxiety, P Tracker (which helps you track your symptoms and periods). I also have a board on pinterest dedicated to things that make me feel better when I'm unwell
    Sorry, I wrote way more than I meant to but its' something that I find really helpful so I was on a bit of a roll. I hope there is something in amongst there that helps and good luck. I know it's really tough trying to learn healthy ways of coping with stress but it's worth it.

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    I found out last week that due to massive cuts in funding, the charity I work for is having to make about 1/3 of the staff team redundant by the end of March. I'm probably going to accept the offer of voluntary redundancy as it's the best of the options available, but in the meantime I'm trying to save a bit of money.

    One of the ways I can do this is via my blog - I have google ads on my blog and another site I own so if anyone has a spare few minutes I would really appreciate it if you could click on one of the ads that pops up. You don't need to buy anything or do anything more than click the link.

    Thank you in advance. Here's the link to my blog and here's my other site

    Also any other suggestions will be gratefully received.


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    I love the Screen Junkies honest movie trailers, Pixie Woo for make up tutorials, AdoraBatBrat for coolness and Brian Remlinger for his sewing tutorials.

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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam - mostly my art, things I've made and goth stuff Happy

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    He's added that he's the founder of feedspot to his co&k profile - v funny and a little creepy :/

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    I love the Nightmare Before Christmas - I'm a big Tim Burton fan and love the darkness of Danny Elfmans music.

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    I love loads of halloween/spooky themed songs and thought it would be cool to find out what others like listening to at Halloween Happy Some of my favourites are:
    Grimly Feindish - The Damned
    Bele Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus
    Monster Mash - Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt Kickers
    Thriller - Michael Jackson
    Ghost Town - The Specials
    Sweet Transvestite from the Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival

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    I'm on twitter - I'm @WoodleyDo Happy

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    I'm following it via bloglovin - good luck with the project

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    When my boyfriend won a prize for his pottery - I couldn't stop beaming. I could have stopped every stranger on the way home to tell them, but to his relief I didn't. I'm also lucky that my job comes with loads of proud moments. I work in a mental health daycentre and I still remember the day one of my clients came in to tell me she had got a 2:1 for her music degree. Also hearing another one of my clients perform one of her own songs to our under 30s group. We were having a music appreciation session where everyone brings in a cd to play something they like to the group. She had just come back to the group after being in hospital for nearly 2 years. She'd bought a cd in but saw the guitar in the room we were in and just picked it up and sang the most amazing song instead. It was one she'd written herself when she was really unwell and was so moving.

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