Posts by Felecity W.

    I also have long hair (right below my butt) I usually wear it in a french braid and will put the bottom into a bun using chopsticks or a flower clip.
    I also like to wrap the bottom part of the french braid around my head like a crown, you need pretty long hair for that. I also like to do a french braid "mohawk" basically I only french braid straight down the middle until I get to the middle of my head I will then secure it with a clip and leave the rest down or put it into an updo. Here is the link for how to do a french braid.

    If I am in a rush I will just put my hair in a pony, then braid the remaining and put that in a bun. Then pull some of the top to make it a little poofy.(I work in a kitchen so my hair has to be up most days.)

    Try doing a zig-zag part instead of a straight part, it is easy to do and makes a usual hair-do look different. Even doing your hair on the side instead of centered is an easy alternative, braids, buns, and pony's look cute this way. I also like to do Puca buns, there is a tutorial on here for that.

    Hope these styles help you out, I can make a tutorial for anything you are unsure about.

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    Here are some of the anniversary gifts I have made my boyfriend, now hubby. The last one if the most recent. Maybe these will spark some ideas. Good luck!

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    Yay everything's back to normal! At least I see the site the usual way now.

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    Ugh do the pull- out ads annoy anyone else? Every time I try and access the boards the Gap ad blows up and I have the watch the whole stupid thing. I guess I will just keep away from the boards until this passes.

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    I have olive undertones like you do and I use Hot Tamale by mabelline. To be honest I got it just because I liked the name Happy

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    I'm from Colorado, smack dab in the middle of America and I don't think I have an accent. Apparently I talk fast though, I don't know if that's the same thing.When I moved to a small town in Kansas EVERYONE pointed out how fast I talk, whereas I think everyone talks really slow here.

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    You could try doing something like this project

    If you know how to sew Yo-Yo's (typically used on quilts) you could cover it in that or in petal/scale shapes that overlap. I saw a dress like that once and it was amazing.
    If all else fails there is always tie dye!

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    you could always go to a Herbs shop and get Rind of Orange, Roobis (red tea), Vanilla, Cinnamon, rosehips, cloves, nutmeg, ECT. I tend to like my Black teas more like a spice tea. The Herbal shop I get loose leaf herbs from sells the above in huge glass bottles and I just smell around until I find the perfect mixture.

    Also you can dye linen and muslin type fabrics with black tea for an aged antique feeling. If you would like to try making soap you could try adding the tea into the soap batter like I did with coffee in this tutorial
    This approach involves a premade bar of soap, all you do is remelt it. VERY EASY!

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    I triple this suggestion! Plus then the boards won't be so overwhelming to newcomers.

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    I like it, everything is much more organized and clear. I agree with REGINA though I think The "Swap shop" should be near the top since it's one of the most popular subjects.

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    I get the "page not found" once I delete a project. Click the CU&K logo at the top of the page and scroll down your projects, it should be gone.

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    I think it is ironic that "gay" began as a word to describe happy/merry so technically it was an adjective and now that society uses the word differently, as a noun it is still being used as an adjective. When I hear someone say "that's gay" I ask how it's funny. It always gets a puzzled look, because most people have only ever heard it used to describe homosexuals.

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    These are pretty popular in the Hispanic communities. Especially around Valentines Day, then all the convenience stores seem to have them.

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    I have seen them in craft stores. If you already have the studs with prongs I would consider attaching them to a base and then attaching the base to the heel part like I did here.

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    The overload of makeup and manga has been annoying. It wouldn't be bad, but it seems like they uploaded all of their projects at the same time and they are hogging the board.
    One good thing is this has prompted me to upload projects so that at least there is something besides a million eyes!

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