Posts by Felecity W.

    She sounds like a poisonous "friend", if I were you the friendship would have already been over. If you want this girl to remain in your life, then you might as well get used to her antics. Also don't expect her to change if you never vocalize your feelings. Technically your silence could be considered "permission" for her to keep acting the way she does, after all, you never said you don't like it.
    You will have to decide what's more important to you, having a solar system of friends or having people around you that don't try to drag you down or purposely cause you emotional distress.

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    Apples and PB is super yummy! Also a quesadilla, sliced veggies and hummus, nachos, smoothies, toasted PB&J, Banana slices on toasted bread with PB, chips and salsa.

    I like to make a big bowl of hummus and use it up throughout the week with sliced veggies, toasted pita bread, and even olive oil dipping sauce if I'm feeling like something "sophisticated".
    Hope these ideas help you out Happy

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    Maybe you should try focusing more on your target audience. Meaning stop trying to appeal to people who don't care about what goes on or in their body and focus on people who are concerned with avoiding parabens, sulfates, and all the other icky stuff in mass produced soaps.
    Is there a local mercantile store in your town? Maybe they would consider carrying your soaps, they may even have a supplier "fair" where you could generate interest. Is there a whole foods/vitamin cottage near town? They most likely have a bulletin board with community events that would be good to look into. I would check out yoga studios, hippie stores, farmers markets, ect..I would think you would have the most luck trying to sell smaller bars that are less expensive in locally owned stores that would be willing to carry your product. Definitely play up the natural, organic, local=smaller carbon footprint factor and maybe even write an intro explaining why this is so important.
    Good luck! I hope these ramblings help.

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    What! Why are you still with this guy...Seems to me like he is a very controlling person and I wouldn't be surprised if he progressed to hitting you. That sounds rash, but he is obviously already very possessive of you and even sabotages job opportunities because of his jealousy. I think there are always warning signs in abusive relationships the question is if you see them for what they are, dangerous signals. Better to get out of the situation now before anything more serious happens.
    As for the driving fear, you could always take a driving class. Usually they will provide you with possible stressful scenarios so you feel more comfortable driving by yourself. You should for sure get your license asap because your boyfriend is taking advantage of the situation and likes the dependance it creates. There is always public transportation and I am sure you know relatives that would be happy to drive you to an interview.

    Also don't use your upcoming anniversary as an excuse to convince you to stay in a dangerous situation,. What matters is the quality of the relationship NOT the time-frame, plenty of people are in abusive relationships for long periods of time, this does not make their decision to stay a healthy choice. I sincerely wish you the best of luck, and I hope you remain safe and happy.

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    I second Bindiibabe you never know until you try! My husband actually does work like this and although I know I am not capable of it, he does very well there. As to what your friend said "they are like children" he is right, they are basically the same level of difficulty as a child with the same disabilities would be, just on a bigger body. I know it sounds overwhelming at first, when my husband first got his job 3 years ago he was hesitant and didn't expect to remain there for long. After the first month (which would be hard anywhere new), he started to really enjoy it and has found effective ways of engaging and interacting with his residents. Don't sell yourself short, alot of the people employed at my husbands job are in college or around that age, in some ways I think they are better equipped because they are not set in their ways yet and haven't adapted a rigid mindset when it comes to handling problems.
    I don't know how this particular job is but it sounds like a "home" I work at a nursing home and it's just like working in their home, but with a more professional setting. Good luck, I am sure you will figure it out, if anything you should at least call the lady and try getting the job, if you do get accept it, you can always quit if it's not for you.

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    Water is your easiest option to help flush your system clear of harmful germs also take some Vitamin C to help boost your immunity levels.

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    Yay everything's back to normal! At least I see the site the usual way now.

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    Ugh do the pull- out ads annoy anyone else? Every time I try and access the boards the Gap ad blows up and I have the watch the whole stupid thing. I guess I will just keep away from the boards until this passes.

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    I think it is ironic that "gay" began as a word to describe happy/merry so technically it was an adjective and now that society uses the word differently, as a noun it is still being used as an adjective. When I hear someone say "that's gay" I ask how it's funny. It always gets a puzzled look, because most people have only ever heard it used to describe homosexuals.

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    The overload of makeup and manga has been annoying. It wouldn't be bad, but it seems like they uploaded all of their projects at the same time and they are hogging the board.
    One good thing is this has prompted me to upload projects so that at least there is something besides a million eyes!

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    My husband works with "persons with mental disabilities" The organization uses this term because it puts the PERSON before the disorder, therefore recognizing they are human before you recognize the disease/disorder they are handicapped with.

    I have noticed that most people will stop using the term if you explain why you are offended, because it's rude, in-considerate, and degrading. It is hard to be politically correct because new terms are always being introduced as previously "politically correct" terms are now considered offensive.
    Even though most people described as "retarded" most likely wouldn't notice the actual term, they would definitely notice the TONE in which the word is said. I think this is where the real issue lies, in giving people the respect they desearve whether they possess their full mental capacity or not.

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    Generally, issues regarding the website are posted in this section of the boards. the moderators, TOM or CAT will see your post and make sure there isn't a problem.

    Everyone tries very hard to keep this site positive and free from negative complaints and trash talking. Sometimes we can get too defensive when CU&K is "trashed", even if it's unintentional.

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    I have some family members that do not express a desire to be involved in my life, yet they still love me and do not feel this is a strange way to express affection. The key is to realize that this is the way they are and they will not change. Everyone has different ways of showing their love. Perhaps your parents are the type that thinks giving gifts is an appropriate and fulfilling way to show they care.

    I wouldn't take it personally, just focus on the relationships you have that are based on spending time together and being involved in each others lives. If you really want to spend more time with your biological family I would suggest you continue asking for dates. Otherwise I would suggest you enjoy having other people in your life that are willing to fill this void such as your boyfriends family. Just remember your family probably doesn't even realize how much their avoidance affects you.

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    I would choose the striped one out of the two. Have you ever tried a wedge heel? They are much more comfortable than traditional heels and still seem dressed up. As long as your makeup and hair is dressier than you should be ok, but I would suggest you wear leggings or capris NOT made of denim.
    Also you never know how much fun it is to dress up all girly until you try it Happy Just remember it is possible to dress "classy sexy" not "slutty sexy."

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    Usually the uploads take a few hours to show because they must first be approved by the site moderators. This is to help ensure no uploaded crafts are stolen from someone else. If you are worried about the latter I would suggest you use paint or Photoshop to make a watermark of your shop name across any uploaded pictures.

    If you are looking for instant gratification I suggest you check out etsy. This site is more about sharing crafts and ideas with other crafters and swapping.

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