Posts by Felecity W.

    My town has a gourmet dressing and olive oil store and next time I need a hostess gift I intend on getting something from there. Depending on if it's just dinner or something more personal like a baby shower would affect the gift you get.
    Spa baskets are nice, although sometimes played out they are usually appreciated esp. if you can throw in something you made yourself like bath salts,soap,herbal flower bath soaks, etc. Wine is always a safe bet, although maybe not so appropriate considering the occasion.
    You could also consider getting something she likes just a nicer(more expensive) version so for candles try Yankee, Woodwick, Molton Brown, etc.

    If I think of more I will update, congrats on the baby!

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    Custom guitar picks! Just use old credit cards and trace a guitar pick onto the hard card material then cut out and sand the edges with nail file. You can also paint them if you want to make them more unique.
    You could also cut a normal pick in half and make "best friend" necklaces. Or you could embroider a guitar strap for him with his favorite lyrics.

    Even a custom painted box to keep picks and strings in would probably be appreciated.

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    I made these bath salts for Christmas one year and they were a huge hit. I packaged the salts in glass jars (from dollar tree) decorated with ribbon and pretty paper and included some other bath goodies.
    Don't be intimidated by the ingredients it's basically just baking soda,Epsom salts, and olive or baby oil. Also the essential oils will last you a long time, I just ran out of a bottle I got a year ago and I used it frequently.

    Here is an easy tutorial for bath bombs as well!

    This is also a very easy project with a wow factor. If she doesn't like headbands you can glue the flower on clips, bobby pins, or barrets.

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    Ohh homemade sauce and noodles! That sounds amazing, and perfect for a young family with a baby!

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    If you know how to can, homemade spaghetti sauce or applesauce would be amazing you could even include a box of wheat pasta to make it more *gourmet*. I have a tut. on making applesauce if you're interested.
    My sister in law made homemade vanilla extract for everyone along with spaghetti sauce and we really enjoyed it. I can find the tut on making the vanilla if you want just pm me.
    As for the baby, I made my nephew a picnic basket of felt food last Christmas and he still plays with it everyday. We also gave out homemade bath salts (easier then it sounds), chocolate covered pretzel sticks, homemade coffee soap, and home blended dried tea along with homemade dried cocoa mix.

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    Here are some of the anniversary gifts I have made my boyfriend, now hubby. The last one if the most recent. Maybe these will spark some ideas. Good luck!

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    I have seen them in craft stores. If you already have the studs with prongs I would consider attaching them to a base and then attaching the base to the heel part like I did here.

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    I would suggest using studs that do not screw in, have a flat bottom and simply using gorilla glue to attach them. Maybe a picture would better describe the problem though.

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    I used the stuffing on a roll "batting" in the USA for this project. I am assuming this is what you mean? We use it for the middle of quilts (to retain heat and keep fabric smooth and fluffy) and under upholstered things.

    As for plushies and my stuffed felt food I just use the innards of a bed pillow! Happy It is way cheaper and works the same if not better. Check out IKEA I believe they are a cheaper home decor store in the UK, correct me if I am wrong.

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    I think the V-bangs would look nice on you. You have a good face shape for the bangs, and your eyebrows arch nice as well.
    Here is a youtube tutorial on making fake bangs from hair extensions

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    I would suggest you test out these bangs with extensions before you do the actual cutting. I personally think this style is cute if not done too severe, you do need a certain face shape to pull it off though.

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    @ Nora C: Nice to hear a good story about selectspecs! Almost every review I have read has been negative, but I figured most people only write a review to complain so I should ask around.
    I am definitely going to buy a budget pair of specs first so if something goes wrong I will only loss $10, since reimbursement also seems to be a problem with most online companies.

    @ Mod: I actually came across the website you mentioned when I was researching where to buy contacts from online. Unfortunately they do not stock the brand I need because of my astigmatism. Their glasses are also more expensive, so I will stick to select specs, at least this time. Happy

    @ Sweet C: I have been taking shape, color, and bridge into consideration. I have had similar colored glasses in the past so hopefully these flatter my face as well. I really wanted to try something different since my old glasses are black. Since I'm an autumn the colors should work well with my skin tone, hopefully they are true to the colors shown online.

    Does anyone have a favorite among the glasses shown? I like them all! That doesn't really help me narrow it down though.

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    I am considering buying a pair of glasses online from Has anyone ever bought glasses from this company? I am wondering about the validity of this company.
    These are the pairs I am debating between, I have a oval face so I am leaning towards rectangle frames. What's your impression on these frames?

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    Here are some things I have made my baby nephew. He really enjoys the felt food!

    I made this hat for my brother and was promptly told to make another for my lil sister.

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    That is awesome. I love it.

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