Posts by Felecity W.

    Aww everyone has cute pics. My hubby doesn't like taking photos either and I just realized we only get pics at events like weddings Happy

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    <a href=";current=DSC_0047.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    At my sisters wedding reception this April

    Our wedding in December 2008.
    <a href=";current=332_52521891608_2945_n.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    When we were dating...maybe about 5 years ago

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    I like Molly Alexandra Jones but what about a deviation so it isn't the same as your name but similar?
    Maybe Molly Alexis Jones, Molly Alessia Jones..something like that
    I also like Molly May Jones just because it would be a cute little girls name

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    I usually craft like a mad person as soon as I get out of school...which will officially be the 15th! Not very much time this year, but most of my gifts are food, (cookies, Mexican cocoa mix,maybe sopapilla mix, homemade granola, peppermint bark, homemade tea blend, that sort of thing) the only real thing I have to make is a toddlers present,but it will be felt, so easy and quick to sew.

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    You should make one!

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    You can however buy Kinder chocolate, I just saw a bunch of different Kinder candy in the World Market, we also have a European store you can get them from.

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    So Lala just sent me some so I have had my fill for awhile, Thanks for the offer, I may remind you about it later;) So Lala also introduced me to "Ritter"? chocolate and since there is a European market in town I can get it whenever I want! The Marzipan is AMAZING! It's pretty rare to find almond flavored candy/chocolate in America which is strange since it's so yummy.

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    I guess I should clarify about the kinder eggs, you can have them sent to you in the private mail but they can not be sent to a store or purchased from the Kinder company. It's really sad Happy I used to have a pen pal in elementary who would send me kinder eggs, so I feel like they are a part of my childhood.

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    I used plain old craftsmart acrylic paint medium for both of the below projects. It worked perfectly! The only thing to remember is that once you wash your fabric for the first time it will fade a little, This can be minimized by washing inside out and in cold water. The colors haven't faded since the very first wash I did. Good luck on your project! Be sure and upload a picture once you finish. Happy

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    Hey! I like the book making contest I had alot of altered books already made, and this contest is really cool (to me)

    but...I do agree there should be a costume contest not because people "need" a prize, but because it's fun to see what everyone else has made and really cool that it's all in one place. I am happy when someone who's craft I really liked wins first place, because I have been secretly rooting for them. It's like the crafty version of sports or something.

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    Kinder eggs are not allowed in America because the small pieces pose a choking hazard, although the toys have clear warnings the toy is essentially candy so they see it as a problem. I personally think responsibility lies with the parent and not a company, any children that would potentially choke on a small piece shouldn't be eating candy in the first place. I'm from the US btw.

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    You can usually find goo gone in normal supermarkets even walmart and target should carry it. I can't believe the glue has withstood everything else you have tried! Ohh, try using a razor or credit card to scrape the goo gone and glue off, it really helps. Make sure you put enough to soak the glue and let it sit, I worked in housekeeping and it never fails.

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    That is so lame, if she wanted to make something you did she could at least credit you, and trying to profit from stealing is pathetic. I probably drive Crafterella crazy because I always report people who post projects I have seen somewhere else.
    I tried to see the copycats page and the plush has been removed, so hopefully this will help teach her a lesson!

    BTW has a easy way of adding watermarks without needing to download anything.

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    I'm from Colorado, smack dab in the middle of America and I don't think I have an accent. Apparently I talk fast though, I don't know if that's the same thing.When I moved to a small town in Kansas EVERYONE pointed out how fast I talk, whereas I think everyone talks really slow here.

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    I like it, everything is much more organized and clear. I agree with REGINA though I think The "Swap shop" should be near the top since it's one of the most popular subjects.

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