Posts by Felecity W.

    Considering you are only 13 I don't think your parents are being unnecessarily mean, they are just trying to be responsible parents and keep you safe. It's amazing how many girls your age are NOT smart and get themselves in bad situations.
    Have you ever tried volunteering? The Humane Society is a good place for a girl your age to volunteer, you will get out of the house, learn new skills,meet new people, hang out with alot of cute animals, and even build up your resume!
    If there is a boys and girls club by your house they have teenagers help supervise the kids and lead crafts and stuff. It's fun and you will also meet more kids your age.

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    I second Essex Debs, I resize my pictures to web large, since my program has a predefined sizing chart already established.

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    If she has never read the Vampire Academy series I think that would be a good gift, esp if she's a reader.
    When I was around this age my aunt would always get me a new purse with small travel size bottles of lotion, gum, perfume, lip gloss, ect. If she is pretty tomboyish you could make her a bag that wouldn't bee too girly, maybe something in camo or that looks like an army medic pack?

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    I usually just make my first step my "needs' section since the list has never worked for me. Usually it's not a big deal, but with recipes, exact measurements are a must!

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    You could be a pet rock! Or a roller Disco girl.

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    I triple this suggestion! Plus then the boards won't be so overwhelming to newcomers.

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    I get the "page not found" once I delete a project. Click the CU&K logo at the top of the page and scroll down your projects, it should be gone.

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    I believe the recipes just show up as a how to. Once you publish an option will show up to file it under food, and what kind. This is the way I do it anyway.

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    I also like this idea

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    Go to the black bar along the very top of the page where you can view your notifications, and projects, hold your mouse over where it says "blog" and click the "add new" this will open your blog up for you to post.
    Hope this helps Happy

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    Like this idea! Or what if we could categorize our projects? Like into recipes, clothing, toys, paintings, ect...

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    They already have this's under blog. Look at the black line across the top of the site it's right next to notifications and projects.

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    It's so annoying when you make a creation and misspell the title. once you click ok, there is no way to fix it. Can we please have the option to edit titles, just like we can edit the rest of the post. Thanks this site is awesome!

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    Agreed. It's really annoying. Try putting your pop-up blocker on.

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    Would it be possible to make a Vegetarian category, instead of filing them be under "Savory Foods" or what about showing up under both categories?
    I have noticed alot of vegetarians on here and it would make finding recipes way easier.

    Also the Vegan section is HUGE!

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