Posts by Felecity W.

    You can usually find goo gone in normal supermarkets even walmart and target should carry it. I can't believe the glue has withstood everything else you have tried! Ohh, try using a razor or credit card to scrape the goo gone and glue off, it really helps. Make sure you put enough to soak the glue and let it sit, I worked in housekeeping and it never fails.

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    Ohh homemade sauce and noodles! That sounds amazing, and perfect for a young family with a baby!

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    If you know how to can, homemade spaghetti sauce or applesauce would be amazing you could even include a box of wheat pasta to make it more *gourmet*. I have a tut. on making applesauce if you're interested.
    My sister in law made homemade vanilla extract for everyone along with spaghetti sauce and we really enjoyed it. I can find the tut on making the vanilla if you want just pm me.
    As for the baby, I made my nephew a picnic basket of felt food last Christmas and he still plays with it everyday. We also gave out homemade bath salts (easier then it sounds), chocolate covered pretzel sticks, homemade coffee soap, and home blended dried tea along with homemade dried cocoa mix.

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    Thanks! I will try your tricks and see how they turn out. I may upload a tutorial in case anyone else wants to forage for food.

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    You could part your hair in front and do a very tight french braid just till your ear. If it's too short for that you could twist it instead...
    Or what about making a faux-hawk type hairdo? Or this...
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="short hair styles Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

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    I have already begun gathering clothes that I want to try dying naturally. I found this great website that has step by step instructions (and pictures)!
    Thanks for the advice on choosing dark walnuts, I noticed the more ripe they are the softer they seem. How did you dry the walnuts? Just air dry for a few weeks, or in the oven?

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    Ok, this may sound strange but apparently in Kansas there is such a thing as harvesting/foraging wild Black walnuts. I have never even heard of Black walnuts until I was running through a wooded area at my school and kept stepping on them, when I complained how my feet hurt my hubby told me they were walnuts. After researching a little I really want to try them.

    Apparently they are difficult to hull and stain badly, has anyone had any experience gathering/eating Black walnuts and are there any tips you can give me?

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Black Walnuts Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Black walnuts Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>
    p.s. that's not my hand Happy just to show how the walnuts look before being hulled.

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    Whenever my cats spray I use a solution of half vinegar half water. Just spray the smelly area with it and the vinegar will neutralize the smell. This also keeps pets from spraying/marking an area that was previously marked and should keep your shoes safe. P.s. the vinegar smell goes away in a few minutes I promise!

    Also maybe put some baking soda inside the shoes just in case, some leaked inside, don't add water just shake it out or use a vac hose.

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    Always park under a light! regardless if you are alone or not. Also I wouldn't worry to much about being caught in the middle of a drug deal, obviously they want to be inconspicuous and if the SUV had been there before you they would have probably just left. I would be more worried that someone approached the car! Who cares what your friend said, speed very fast away if you don't know the person approaching the car!!!!
    Something similar happened to my husband and I right after we got married. We got married in another state and were about to drive back home,we pulled into a dark part of a parking lot to change into sweats (more comfy for driving) and as my hubby had his pants down a creepy guy most likely just a bum approached the car window. It was so dark we didn't see him until he was at the window. I freaked out because I'm suspicious and paranoid and yelled at my hubby to drive away, he was just worried about being seen without pants! So we peeled out and left the guy with his mouth wide open haha. It's a good thing it wasn't the cops they probably wouldn't have believed we were just changing into sweat pants!

    One last thing you should invest in pepper spray to keep on your person just in case you need to defend yourself. If you are in college you can probably get it for free at the student offices.

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    KnittyNora bread isn't necessary "bad" for you it's the refined white flour and processed bread that is bad because your body doesn't know how to process it and it doesn't provide the necessary nutrients you need. Carbs can be found in fruit, veggies as well as beans, so don't think bread is your only option. If you want to eat bread choose "good" bread that is made from whole wheat and doesn't include high fructose corn syrup. Refined, processed flours and corn syrup are the main reasons people gain weight from breads and pastas. Whole wheat spaghetti is amazing!

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    I second Bindiibabe you never know until you try! My husband actually does work like this and although I know I am not capable of it, he does very well there. As to what your friend said "they are like children" he is right, they are basically the same level of difficulty as a child with the same disabilities would be, just on a bigger body. I know it sounds overwhelming at first, when my husband first got his job 3 years ago he was hesitant and didn't expect to remain there for long. After the first month (which would be hard anywhere new), he started to really enjoy it and has found effective ways of engaging and interacting with his residents. Don't sell yourself short, alot of the people employed at my husbands job are in college or around that age, in some ways I think they are better equipped because they are not set in their ways yet and haven't adapted a rigid mindset when it comes to handling problems.
    I don't know how this particular job is but it sounds like a "home" I work at a nursing home and it's just like working in their home, but with a more professional setting. Good luck, I am sure you will figure it out, if anything you should at least call the lady and try getting the job, if you do get accept it, you can always quit if it's not for you.

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    Try the paper mache'/ plaster of paris covered muslin strips you can buy in the craft store. If you molded the plaster strips to his form, when they dried you would be able to modify and spray paint the final project. If you could find screws to drill through the plaster it would make it look more realistic. Make sure you use ALOT of Vaseline before you apply the plaster strips taking them off hurts otherwise.

    This may help you with the chain mail!

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    I second Essex Debs, I resize my pictures to web large, since my program has a predefined sizing chart already established.

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    Water is your easiest option to help flush your system clear of harmful germs also take some Vitamin C to help boost your immunity levels.

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    Nutritional bars DO NOT make you gain weight. At least not the ones I eat which are mainly granola bars, luna bars, or nutri-bars, these provide a balanced mixture of healthy grains and vitamins to give you energy. I like having a granola bar on me when I am at school along with an apple or some other high fiber fruit. This ensures that I feel satisfied without racing to the vending machine for crap.
    Make sure you check the list of ingredients, try to limit or exclude high fructose corn syrup and limit your sugar intake, sugar will give you a short burst of energy but will ultimately make you drag. Also try to include as much whole wheat as possible it is more complex than white flour and way better for you.
    Almonds or cashews are also a good snack and full of good fat *omega 3's*. Unsweetened dried fruit is also nice to munch on when you can't break out a noisy apple!
    Baby carrots, edame*soy*, and grape tomatoes are a great snack, they are crunchy and you can easily eat them anywhere. I also eat alot of fruit, like bananas,apples, plums, oranges, grapes, peaches anything that transports well and doesn't get soggy. You could also invest in a small Tupperware to transport hummus or peanut butter to dip your veggies/fruit in. If you msg me I can give you an easy hummus recipe.
    I don't know if you are a vegetarian or not but hard boiled eggs, tuna with whole wheat crackers and low fat string cheese are all good ideas as well. Whole wheat tortillas with avocado, turkey, peppers, and bean sprouts, is both delicious and filling!

    I hope these give you some ideas...Also if you don't have a chance to grab something in the morning you should be aware of the healthy foods in vending machines. My University offers dried almonds, dried fruit with no sugar, unsalted pretzels, water, and 100% juice. They should have a small red heart next to the vending number to help you distinguish healthy choices.
    Also Whole foods is a good place to find healthy snacks. Annies is a good brand for buying gummies, and goldfish type snacks. Try the veggie chips sold in the wholesale bins, YUMMY! I love them.

    One last thing, consider making breakfast burritos to last you a week or healthy muffins so you have something to eat when you leave for school. I notice if I eat a bowl of oatmeal before school I stay full longer and the grains help me concentrate.

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