Posts by Felecity W.

    I would suggest using studs that do not screw in, have a flat bottom and simply using gorilla glue to attach them. Maybe a picture would better describe the problem though.

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    My husband works with "persons with mental disabilities" The organization uses this term because it puts the PERSON before the disorder, therefore recognizing they are human before you recognize the disease/disorder they are handicapped with.

    I have noticed that most people will stop using the term if you explain why you are offended, because it's rude, in-considerate, and degrading. It is hard to be politically correct because new terms are always being introduced as previously "politically correct" terms are now considered offensive.
    Even though most people described as "retarded" most likely wouldn't notice the actual term, they would definitely notice the TONE in which the word is said. I think this is where the real issue lies, in giving people the respect they desearve whether they possess their full mental capacity or not.

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    Fimo clay
    various glues
    interesting charms
    Adjustable ring backs
    Earring posts and jump rings
    Embroidery thread
    Seed beads

    Usually I recycle what I have on hand though

    SOAP MOLDS and craft books for inspiration

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    My past costumes have been The Snow Queen from Narnia, the Egyptian Goddess Isis, a Victorian lady, The headless horseman with a pumpkin head, The Black Dahlia, and most recently Catwomen Michele Phiffer/Tim Burton style.

    These are the costumes I remember. The headless horseman and catwomen were the quickest.

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    Create an account on and upload the picture there, you will receive a code for embedding in a board post. Use the code to add pictures, the picture will not show until you publish the post. If you used the wrong code simply edit the post and use another code.

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    I have never colored my hair, but I would assume washing your hair in a sink rather than taking a full blown shower would work better. Also a stainless steal sink would be better than a porcelain one since those stain easily.

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    I used the stuffing on a roll "batting" in the USA for this project. I am assuming this is what you mean? We use it for the middle of quilts (to retain heat and keep fabric smooth and fluffy) and under upholstered things.

    As for plushies and my stuffed felt food I just use the innards of a bed pillow! Happy It is way cheaper and works the same if not better. Check out IKEA I believe they are a cheaper home decor store in the UK, correct me if I am wrong.

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    Generally, issues regarding the website are posted in this section of the boards. the moderators, TOM or CAT will see your post and make sure there isn't a problem.

    Everyone tries very hard to keep this site positive and free from negative complaints and trash talking. Sometimes we can get too defensive when CU&K is "trashed", even if it's unintentional.

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    I have some family members that do not express a desire to be involved in my life, yet they still love me and do not feel this is a strange way to express affection. The key is to realize that this is the way they are and they will not change. Everyone has different ways of showing their love. Perhaps your parents are the type that thinks giving gifts is an appropriate and fulfilling way to show they care.

    I wouldn't take it personally, just focus on the relationships you have that are based on spending time together and being involved in each others lives. If you really want to spend more time with your biological family I would suggest you continue asking for dates. Otherwise I would suggest you enjoy having other people in your life that are willing to fill this void such as your boyfriends family. Just remember your family probably doesn't even realize how much their avoidance affects you.

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    I would choose the striped one out of the two. Have you ever tried a wedge heel? They are much more comfortable than traditional heels and still seem dressed up. As long as your makeup and hair is dressier than you should be ok, but I would suggest you wear leggings or capris NOT made of denim.
    Also you never know how much fun it is to dress up all girly until you try it Happy Just remember it is possible to dress "classy sexy" not "slutty sexy."

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    Usually the uploads take a few hours to show because they must first be approved by the site moderators. This is to help ensure no uploaded crafts are stolen from someone else. If you are worried about the latter I would suggest you use paint or Photoshop to make a watermark of your shop name across any uploaded pictures.

    If you are looking for instant gratification I suggest you check out etsy. This site is more about sharing crafts and ideas with other crafters and swapping.

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    Ohh boy, this sounds eerily similar to a weekend I had recently..

    Just try to understand that your BF has been working alot lately and probably didn't realize how much he would appreciate a break until you bugged him to. Now that you have convinced him to take a breather he starts having a good time and relaxes as most guys like to (with buds). Only prob is you get left out in the cold. I would def. suggest you talk with Ian about how his actions made you feel he probably doesn't realize how much it upset you. I would also demand a rain check date night, after having a relaxing weekend Iian will remember how much he appreciates the time off and probably won't put up as much of a fight.
    Also I would def. bring up the whole "calling you out in front of public) thing as well. I don't think any couple should embarrass their partner in front of public, not only is it rude, demeaning, and embarrassing I truly believe it strains the relationship to the point of breaking.

    One final thing: If you are contributing finances then I believe the housework should be divided as well. When my husbands guests come over I go in another room and craft/relax while my hubby is in charge of cleaning up after the boys. They are his guests the responsibility of cleaning the house while they are there falls on him. Hope this helps, and you deserve to be upset def.

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    I will be posting a project soon with seed beads! I used glue since my needle was too thick Happy

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    Being a vegetarian DOES NOT make it hard to get enough protein, unless you only eat junk food and don't educate yourself about which foods have the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

    Beans, Spinach, Tempah, Lentils, Grains, Kale, Quinoa, Bean sprouts, Nuts and Seeds are all examples of foods rich in protein. Take a multivitamin if you are unsure about getting all the necessary vitamins. One a Day makes a daily multi-vitamin especially for developing teen girls, it also has minerals to help ward of acne! Since you are a vegetarian and dont consume dairy you NEED a calcium vitamin, Especially since you are only 13 and your body needs the calcium to help you develop correctly! Trust me I ate the same as you are now, and ended up getting sick before I started taking vitamins and eating a well rounded diet.

    Remember your body is still developing and you need a certain amount of good fat to remain healthy, Omega 3's are an example of good fat, they are found in Olive oil and peanut butter. Omega 3's keeps your eyes healthy and hair shiny, among other things. Dont diet, rather focus on promoting good eating habits such as not drinking soda, or eating fried foods.

    As long as your doctor says you are at a healthy weight and you are getting an appropriate amount of exercise (30 mins a day) I would suggest you concentrate on loving your body the way it is, and keep it healthy. Enjoy this time in your life it passes quickly.

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    I really like the wire wrapped earrings and the stone hanging earrings. I think you should continue in that vein, just try different variations, perhaps make a set?
    Try selling at craft fairs, garage sales, see if local stores would be willing to carry your products, if you set up a website on myspace you could hand out cards with the URL and give people a chance to see your collection

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