Posts by Felecity W.

    I buy single sheets of felt (8x11) in size. They are about 29cents each, so less than $1. I am not sure if this is the material you are thinking of, but this is what I used for the projects below. Hope this helps.
    p.s. I buy the felt at a craft store NOT a fabric store.

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    I use notecards to help me study. Write the question on one side and the answer on the other side. Make sure you highlight the answer, read through once, and then try to answer the questions correctly each time you go through.
    For some reason when I color the answer it helps me remember.

    Also try cramming before bed, when you sleep your mind processes information better than if you stayed up all night cramming. Also I have heard caffeine helps you remember studied information. IDK about the validity of this though.

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    Go to the black bar along the very top of the page where you can view your notifications, and projects, hold your mouse over where it says "blog" and click the "add new" this will open your blog up for you to post.
    Hope this helps Happy

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    Try using a seam ripper to sever the threads that hold the dress and cups together. Without a picture this is the best advice I have...If the cups are sewn into their own "holders" similar to a bikini top I would just rip the seam from along the side, until you have a hole big enough to remove the pad then simply sew up the hole.

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    I can understand where your boyfriend is coming from. Most babydoll tops hide a woman's curves thus making her appear younger. I would consider it a good thing that your boyfriend feels uncomfortable when you look younger than you are. I would consider it worrisome if he encouraged you to exaggerate your youth. I would assume that the age difference matters more to him then he lets on. He probably feels guilty that he is dating someone so much younger then him. Most men that are dating younger girls are taking advantage of the situation. It doesn't seem like you boyfriend is that type of guy, but perhaps he is concerned that your relationship appears this way to outsiders.

    Plus he may feel threatened that you will attract a younger guys attention. Maybe this is not the case, but generally when my husband doesn't want me to wear something, it is because it is either too tight or revealing. Generally it is something I wouldn't even consider inappropriate, but then again I dont think like a guy.
    I'm sure your guy wants to promote the best aspects of your personality and is only trying to help you appear the way it sounds like you want to (intelligent, mature, reliable) Your clothing and appearance is how people will judge you, if you appear well put together they will be less likely to assume you are being taken advantage of and more likely to take your relationship, and you seriously if you are not wearing the same outfit a 14 year is.

    I think you can still show your personality and discard the offending tops. Obviously they remind him of the age difference and only cause strife in your relationship. If this is the only issue between you why not focus your attention on something more important.

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    Good how to, but I would iron the fold prior to sewing, it helps me to sew a straight line at least Happy

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    Also I don't know if this would apply but sometimes when you follow high altitude directions and you are not it can make the batter weird, vice versa if you are low altitude.

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    Maybe over the dining table try paper lanterns?

    The Dollar tree has some inexpensive cute ones. White would lookw very nice and minimal.
    Or if you have high ceilings what about hanging paper parasols

    I just recently got bamboo placemats and they are amazing!

    Maybe consider painting a cherry blossom design on the wall? I have heard that starch and thin fabric acts as a temporary wallpaper, if you aren't allowed to paint. Haven't tried it though.

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    I don't really understand how fluffy cookies would be bad...but if you mix the batter longer the oxygen usually decreases leaving flatter cookies.
    Also try using 1/3 cup applesauce instead of an egg. It works for vegan cookies and they turn out normal. Half a mushed banana also works as an egg substitute. Good luck!

    p.s. baking soda causes baked goods to rise so maybe you are over measuring (eg a heaping tablspoon)

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    I always wear cute socks like this. DEBS in the mall is a really good place to find funky socks. The one I used to work at had a whole wall of just socks Happy
    Also try Target or Walmart they usually have some on clearence. Esp. good finds right after Halloween!

    Khols and Ross also usually have pairs.

    I like to wear my fun socks with flats as well as heels. Just an idea...

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    I received this today! There were 2 kitty toys inside not pictured, because the kitties already have them.
    LOVE the painting! It already has a permanent spot behind my computer desk.

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    I would suggest you find an adult you feel safe voicing your concerns to, and who would be there if you needed assistance. Regardless of your age, everyone needs a support system. Before you start planning to move out you must realize that even if you had your High School Degree, a full-time job, and used the SSI money you would still most likely have difficulties providing the basics. (gas,water,trash, RENT, insurance, car insurance, gas, FOOD, cell phone bill)

    I strongly suggest you have a talk with your Aunt in the presence of your therapist and tell her how you feel about this issue. Having another person present will help your Aunt to remain calm (hopefully) and listen to what you have to say. I suspect your Aunt's "observations" are the result of her own insecurities, also she may see this as a way to "bond", for some reason alot of women bond this way. I personally think it contributes to a group mentality, and people feel they share something.

    Please consider moving out you LAST option, it's really hard living on your own, and even more so when you are still so young, and unable to get a good job. I moved out when I was 19 and it was alot more stressful and difficult than I imagined. Plus, I was married so I had help and a support system.

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    Loved pretty much every book that was mentioned with the exception of the Twilight Sage. Meyer needs writing classes stat!
    Hmm, The Historian was really boring and drawn out NOT at all what I was expecting.

    Also Romance novels bore me. I just don't see the point.

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    DONT CUT IT! I have long hair as well and think it's awesome that you let it grow natural. Nowadays it's so rare to find people with healthy long hair. There are so many ways you can wear it.
    If you want it down I suggest either curling with a waver, braiding before bed with mouse, or even rolling your hair before bed and wearing it down in the morning, This is what it looks like after only a few hours.

    For the pictured hairdo I had my hair in two ponytails one above the other in the back of my hair and simply rolled the hair and pinned around, (the below pic is how it looked prior to taking the rolls out) when I took it down only a few hours later it looked like this, Just spritz with hairspray and your done.

    Msg me if you want more ideas I can take some pics of the more fancy ways I do my hair.

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    If you live by a mall check out DEB they sell Junior clothes and usually have an awesome clearance section. I used to work there and know for a fact that the smaller sizes get priced lowest because they stay there the longest. I have gotten dresses for $1! Also let the staff know what you need usually they have stuff stashed.

    Sometimes the goodwill has cute dresses, depends on where you live. Target is also a good choice.

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