Posts by Felecity W.

    Here is a traditional recipe from my culture (Hispanic), I am an American and as Mod said it's a huge melting pot. I think it would be fun if we were able to show all the different cultures in America through recipes.

    As far as traditional American food, I go with Apple Pie.

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    What are you growing? I need to start my herbs and tomato plant.

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    I don't like tofu. I will ea it in hot and sour soup and deserts that's about it. The texture gets me every time. :S
    If anyone needs some new recipes check my projects out I have quite a few vegetarian and vegan.

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    I do not have a cricut because I think they are "cheating" and the scrapbooks I have seen with them aren't my style. If you have access to a die-cut machine I would save your money and just use that. It really depends on how often you would use it I think.

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    I am also interested in the postcard swap!

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    I would be interested in a Red Riding hood themed swap. We could be inspired by the traditional Grimms version, or the movie.

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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    I would suggest that you respect their wishes and don't try to argue against their beliefs. You shouldn't have to wear anything differently unless you felt convicted to. They have no right to try and tell you what to wear. Just as you should respect their wishes, they shouldn't try and force their standards on you.

    If you are really concerned with offending them I wouldn't wear sleeveless outfits around them. Especially if you were going to church with them. In a society/setting where sleeveless outfits are not worn, shoulders do seem more suggestive than you would realize.

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    Aww so sad the lollipop broke in half Happy Perhaps you can superglue it?

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    YAY! I really wanted to win! I have been wanting to do some sort of rotating gallery in my own home but can never find the time.

    Also I thought of another idea, why not glue magnets to the back of a clip and use it to hold important papers and such on the fridge.

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    Also here is my teaser for Gigi, she should be receiving her package any day now.

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    Gigi's package arrived today. SUPER CUTE! I was amazed at how much she was able to fit into the envelope. I would love to do another swap with her. Good communication and awesome quality.
    We also agreed to send an additional Day of the Dead item because we are both interested in it.
    Here are some pictures of all the lovely things she created. Enjoy Happy

    I especially like the teacup and saucer ring because I used to have a mini tea set that looked very similar when I was younger

    It's hard to see in this pic. but the mini teapot says "Tea time"

    Check out this awesome fabric! I LOVE it so much you get to see both sides.

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    I was swapping with Hannah, but had not heard from her in awhile. I sent her a message last week and will be considering her withdrawn from this swap since I have not received a reply and it does not appear she has been online since she signed up.

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    If you get put under while you get your teeth pulled it is way better than having a tooth pulled with just pain meds. Just make sure you do everything they tell you, and you should be fine.
    I used to get headaches alot more before my teeth were pulled.

    Also do you grind your teeth at night? wearing a mouth guard will keep you from grinding and will reduce headaches associated with that.

    As for the water issue, try drinking flavored water. I will make a big pitcher of tea to help me stay hydrated as well.

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    Maybe she should consider using wet wipes. Then she wouldn't have to use as much tp to feel clean.

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    It's so annoying when you make a creation and misspell the title. once you click ok, there is no way to fix it. Can we please have the option to edit titles, just like we can edit the rest of the post. Thanks this site is awesome!

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