Posts by Felecity W.

    A girl I work with used a cricut (die-cut) machine to cut out the letters to her quote and is planning on using double sided tape to attach them. I used to just paint/sharpie words directly onto my wall when I was younger. They sell letter stencils and you could spray paint the quote on the wall using them as a guide or use the stencils to trace out letters.
    If you like these banners you could make one in colors you like with the letters cut-out or printed on each little flag.

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    haha thanks! I should have taken a pic at the beginning of the night before it got all smeared...
    If you want to do a trade I would be more than happy to send you some fabric medium so you will have some on hand next time Happy

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    What about using fabric paint medium that you add to acrylic paint? I don't see why it wouldn't may want to test it out on a similar fabric though. Since you use an iron on low heat to bond the paint it seems like it should work.
    If you had a sewing machine that does the quick embroidery you could do that instead.

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    You can however buy Kinder chocolate, I just saw a bunch of different Kinder candy in the World Market, we also have a European store you can get them from.

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    Have you ever tried Almond milk? It is yummy and amazing as a creamer in my opinion...Also the Soy-Nog is in stores now, if you have never tried it you are in for a treat! It's lighter than normal Egg-Nog and freezes as well as milk.

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    You could make it out of cotton as they did or use fleece if you wanted to be able to wear it during winter Happy
    I would just measure the circumference of your head and make a strip of fabric that is that long with the width however much you want probably at least 3 inches. Take the measurement of your head and make a circle with the same circumference, that will be the top part. You will need sew the circle to the rectangular part along the edges, and then add ribbon or another rectangular part along the bottom of the white rectangular part that is the same size for the blue part.
    I would put some sort of hard plastic inside the brim of the hat to keep it stiff, then just add buttons, braided rope, and a sailor patch! If this doesn't make sense I could draw it up for you.

    If you have an old baseball hat you could probably modify it to make this hat as well.

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    I wear my corsets and halters with long sleeve shirts when it's cold, I have also worn shrugs and boleros to cover my shoulders. Depending on how thick the under layer it, all options work out fine. If you layered it over a lace shirt you would feel more modest without taking away from the corset.

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    Try using brown rice as, or couscous instead of pasta. Lentils are also very yummy, if you know how to cook beans you will have no problem with the lentils. (I have a bean cooking tut if you need it)
    I also have alot of vegetarian and vegan recipes if you want to check them out. Here are a few of my favorites. Hope you find something you like!

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    I keep a planner with the all my school tasks for the day written in the daily memo's. Once I have completed a task I cross it out, seeing how much I have completed gives me motivation to continue.
    I use the monthly calender to keep track of other appointments, and important meetings.

    I tend to get distracted with crafts as well, so I usually only do one at a time. If I have more than one craft going on I schedule it in. Sounds lame, but If I have a written list of the crafts I want to finish I am much more likely to actually finish them. Sometimes the best thing is just to trash the crafts you will never finish and start fresh, with new inspiration comes a new desire to finish. Maybe take stock of your crafting supplies and organize it all, I find sorting through everything and seeing what I have will spark my creativity and make me WANT to finish something asap.

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    So Lala just sent me some so I have had my fill for awhile, Thanks for the offer, I may remind you about it later;) So Lala also introduced me to "Ritter"? chocolate and since there is a European market in town I can get it whenever I want! The Marzipan is AMAZING! It's pretty rare to find almond flavored candy/chocolate in America which is strange since it's so yummy.

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    I guess I should clarify about the kinder eggs, you can have them sent to you in the private mail but they can not be sent to a store or purchased from the Kinder company. It's really sad Happy I used to have a pen pal in elementary who would send me kinder eggs, so I feel like they are a part of my childhood.

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    I used plain old craftsmart acrylic paint medium for both of the below projects. It worked perfectly! The only thing to remember is that once you wash your fabric for the first time it will fade a little, This can be minimized by washing inside out and in cold water. The colors haven't faded since the very first wash I did. Good luck on your project! Be sure and upload a picture once you finish. Happy

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    Hey! I like the book making contest I had alot of altered books already made, and this contest is really cool (to me)

    but...I do agree there should be a costume contest not because people "need" a prize, but because it's fun to see what everyone else has made and really cool that it's all in one place. I am happy when someone who's craft I really liked wins first place, because I have been secretly rooting for them. It's like the crafty version of sports or something.

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    Kinder eggs are not allowed in America because the small pieces pose a choking hazard, although the toys have clear warnings the toy is essentially candy so they see it as a problem. I personally think responsibility lies with the parent and not a company, any children that would potentially choke on a small piece shouldn't be eating candy in the first place. I'm from the US btw.

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    Here are alot of really cool ideas with amazing pics! Hope these help.

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