Posts by Felecity W.

    I vote for second...the third is too saturated and the first is distracting because its not cropped.

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    Ohhh lemon drizzle cake sounds amazing! Also, Angel Food cake is super yummy when homemade!

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    Tophatter doesn't seem to work with what I sell very well. The issues they are having with scheduling makes it really difficult to even list items to sell. Hopefully, as they work out the kinks things will get better. Oddly enough I have 2 prints up tonight and a Day of the Dead mask up for tomorrow, fingers crossed!

    If anyone's interested.

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    I like to leave my carpet powder on the floor for at least 30mins because I think the essential oils have more time to "soak in". Since I have a canister vacuum it makes the air smell good as well. Most powders you buy in the store will have directions on the container.

    I have one of these lamps as well, and I have heard that you can put a few drops of essential oil on the lamp and it will heat up and disperse into the air.

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    Never underestimate a good bra, or pair of undergarments (spanx, control top pantyhose, smoothing slip...) They will help smooth your overall look making your clothes fit better, and you will feel more confident as a result. Also stick to fabrics with structure, try to stay away from clingy stretchy fabric. Not only do they tend to look cheap, they also show off every bump.

    If you want to wear a dress maybe something with a similar shape to these would work?|80145|80145

    Something like this would be very Jackie O/Michelle Obama and if you are into vintage fashion, this is a fun way to modernize it.|80145

    At a wedding I went to recently someone was wearing something like this and it looked very flattering on her even though she is maybe 15 pounds overweight.|80145

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    Update, the baking soda and essential oil works great as a carpet powder! It smells amazing, and I didn't have to use as much as I normally do.

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    Try an oil burner, you put essential oil (few drops) in the top and light a tealight under, as the oil heats it dissipates into the air and smells really good.
    I also just made mixed baking soda with some essential oil and made my own personalized carpet powder to vac up. It's really cheap and easy to do.
    Vinegar will neutralize most smells so I would suggest you mix half water and half vinegar in a spray bottle and just mist everything in your room, that should help. You will want to leave the window open though because it will be very vinegary for at least 10 mins.
    Also just washing the walls and surfaces down should help.

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    I have 2 kitties and hate using chemicals so I try to clean as green as possible so far I use

    Vinegar to mop and clean windows
    Baking soda for carpets, and litter boxes
    Lemon juice and baking soda to get stains out of porcelain sinks (smells great!)
    Baking soda and vinegar in baths and counter stains
    Hydrogen Peroxide to kill mold in tile grout or window seams
    1/2 Vinegar & 1/2 water to neutralize cat spray smells
    Baking soda added to laundry loads to brighten whites and neutralize smells
    Baking soda and vinegar also works well as a laundry detergent you just mix half of each directly into the washer (my hubby only likes tide though)
    Don't know if you would count this but I use rubbing Alcohol to get sticky stuff off items.

    I always use just plain baking soda to neutralize any carpet smells and freshen the floor but I haven't tried adding essential oils yet, will try that this week!

    I have also been wanting to try this green way of cleaning shower heads, but haven't had the chance yet.

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    Considering you are only 13 I don't think your parents are being unnecessarily mean, they are just trying to be responsible parents and keep you safe. It's amazing how many girls your age are NOT smart and get themselves in bad situations.
    Have you ever tried volunteering? The Humane Society is a good place for a girl your age to volunteer, you will get out of the house, learn new skills,meet new people, hang out with alot of cute animals, and even build up your resume!
    If there is a boys and girls club by your house they have teenagers help supervise the kids and lead crafts and stuff. It's fun and you will also meet more kids your age.

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    My conditioner smells strong enough that I can shampoo, then vinegar rinse, then condition and no one can smell it. I would just make sure you use hot water to mix because the vinegar can be cold (p.s. it burns your eyes)

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    First off congrats on the weight lose!
    As for the hair problems, I would suggest layers to keep it from getting tangled. I also agree with Myka about braiding your hair at night, my hair is mid-thigh so I braid every night and don't have alot of tangles even though it's long. Also try braiding it the opposite way you want it to end up that way when you take it out you have volume, you can also just blow dry your roots with some mouse or something that will help.
    As for the dullness, I do a part vinegar part water rinse about once a month, it gets rid of the product buildup and your hair will be so clean and shiny it will squeak! They also sell clarifying shampoos that help.

    CLARIFICATION-When I say your hair will "squeak" I am exaggerating. Considering I have been asked to be an Aveda event hair model and their stylist told me I have the healthiest hair he has ever seen I don't think the vinegar rinse is doing any damage to my hair. Vinegar is alot less harsh than most shampoo ingredients so unless you are really concerned about drying out your hair I wouldn't worry about it.

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    If you have access to a Mexican bakery you should definitely try Tres Leches cake. It's super yummy, its traditionally served at weddings. It's basically a sponge cake that is soaked in 3 different types of milk.

    Also Black forest cake is really good.

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    I just joined, this site seems pretty cool and like a good way to keep clothes fresh.

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    I used to make a deodorant powder from 1 part baking soda and 2 parts cornstarch and it really helps in the summer, but now that I am really busy I just use natures gate deodorant in spring fresh. It works really well and doesn't have any of the icky stuff in traditional deodorant.
    For an antiperspirant though I have no idea, but I have heard that using rubbing alcohol to swab your pits (NOT AFTER YOU SHAVE) will decrease the amount of bacteria present, thus resulting in a more pleasant smell. I do this every once in a while, and I don't smell most of the time I sweat.

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    I don't know where you live but stores in the US like Michaels, and Hobby Lobby sell scrapbook "kits" basically they include complementary papers, stickers, and usually have layout ideas as well. Definitely don't get discouraged, scrapbooking is one of those things that you will get better at as you do it more. I would suggest looking at other people's scrapbooks to get an idea of what techniques and color schemes you like. You will also get ideas about what type of pictures to take for future scrapbooks. For example close-up photos of items work well in scrapbooks. At my wedding I made sure we got plenty of ring, flower, etc photos. If you plan of doing alot of journaling and don't want to write by hand, maybe consider a letter stamp set, they look professional and are easily readable, I have a tiny set I picked up for a $1 at Michaels

    Here is a website that you can look at different scrapbook pages and get some ideas and inspiration!

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