Posts by Felecity W.

    Check out this site, they have a ton of different ideas for craft rooms. I use old glass jars to organize stuff, as well as clear paper baskets for paper products and papers

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    I usually craft like a mad person as soon as I get out of school...which will officially be the 15th! Not very much time this year, but most of my gifts are food, (cookies, Mexican cocoa mix,maybe sopapilla mix, homemade granola, peppermint bark, homemade tea blend, that sort of thing) the only real thing I have to make is a toddlers present,but it will be felt, so easy and quick to sew.

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    You should make one!

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    I would be interested in some feathers! I would prefer longer plumes for chop sticks, and hair accessories. PM to discuss logistics...

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    sock buns, or sock curls for your hair?

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    When I was dating my husband we lived over 700 miles apart! I only saw him maybe once a month...We would talk on the phone every night though, so I double RawrRawr's suggestion to talk on the phone. I have to say, we had much more meaningful conversations when we were apart and were able to really learn about each other verse just spending face time. Also the time apart makes you really appreciate what moments you do have together.
    I know you don't want to work, but it sounds like if you were more busy you maybe wouldn't have as much time to miss him. I am sure you could volunteer somewhere that would be happy to take a few hours a week. Somewhere like nursing home, hospital, or shelter would keep you so busy you would forget to be lonely. Happy

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    Yo-yo's were really popular during the depression because you only need a tiny circle of fabric. they are also super easy to make.

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    Maybe you should try focusing more on your target audience. Meaning stop trying to appeal to people who don't care about what goes on or in their body and focus on people who are concerned with avoiding parabens, sulfates, and all the other icky stuff in mass produced soaps.
    Is there a local mercantile store in your town? Maybe they would consider carrying your soaps, they may even have a supplier "fair" where you could generate interest. Is there a whole foods/vitamin cottage near town? They most likely have a bulletin board with community events that would be good to look into. I would check out yoga studios, hippie stores, farmers markets, ect..I would think you would have the most luck trying to sell smaller bars that are less expensive in locally owned stores that would be willing to carry your product. Definitely play up the natural, organic, local=smaller carbon footprint factor and maybe even write an intro explaining why this is so important.
    Good luck! I hope these ramblings help.

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    Sometimes a breast that gets bigger and then shrinks over the course of a month is attributed to cysts developing in the breasts. If one breast is always larger you can always get a gel insert for the smaller breast until you can afford the reduction. I don't know if you could buy one, but I know that alot of women before getting a breast enlargement will be given the gel inserts so they can "test them out"

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    It looks like they just used a braid long enough to wrap around your wrist and then this technique to attach the ball chains. Just do two chains on opposite sides of the braid instead of just the one the tutorial shows. To get the crossing over effect just put the thread OVER the first bead then UNDER the opposite bead, and vice verse. Hope this helps, Good luck!

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    Scary cupcakes
    Zombilisious (sp?)

    I like Braincakes as well.

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    When I shared a room with my sister she wouldn't clean up after herself either. I guess you have to decide whether you would rather pick up after her and have a clean room or live in a dirty room. Just curious, how old is your sister.

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    If you want your room to look cleaner and free of clutter I would suggest you first go through everything you own and donate anything that no longer fits or you no longer use. Then once all your clothes are sorted put all your winter clothes in a pile and all your summer clothes in a pile. Find some bins and put your out of season clothes away until you need them. I store clothes/shoes in bins like these under my bed, as well as the bigger bins on the very top shelf of my closet.

    If you have a bookshelf that you and your sister share I would suggest dividing it, She can store her books and you could get some fabric bins in cool colors to keep all your stuff in. Not only will you be able to tell whose stuff is where but it should look cleaner. You can find fabric bins like this at the Dollar Tree for a buck each! You don't need one of these shelves either a plain bookcase works just as well.

    If your parents will let you paint your bookshelf you could do this, you parents probably has some leftover paint somewhere.
    When I was 13 I had some of these in my room, my friends thought they were cool and they are really cheap, you can also get these for $1 at the Dollar tree.

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    I made these bath salts for Christmas one year and they were a huge hit. I packaged the salts in glass jars (from dollar tree) decorated with ribbon and pretty paper and included some other bath goodies.
    Don't be intimidated by the ingredients it's basically just baking soda,Epsom salts, and olive or baby oil. Also the essential oils will last you a long time, I just ran out of a bottle I got a year ago and I used it frequently.

    Here is an easy tutorial for bath bombs as well!

    This is also a very easy project with a wow factor. If she doesn't like headbands you can glue the flower on clips, bobby pins, or barrets.

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    What! Why are you still with this guy...Seems to me like he is a very controlling person and I wouldn't be surprised if he progressed to hitting you. That sounds rash, but he is obviously already very possessive of you and even sabotages job opportunities because of his jealousy. I think there are always warning signs in abusive relationships the question is if you see them for what they are, dangerous signals. Better to get out of the situation now before anything more serious happens.
    As for the driving fear, you could always take a driving class. Usually they will provide you with possible stressful scenarios so you feel more comfortable driving by yourself. You should for sure get your license asap because your boyfriend is taking advantage of the situation and likes the dependance it creates. There is always public transportation and I am sure you know relatives that would be happy to drive you to an interview.

    Also don't use your upcoming anniversary as an excuse to convince you to stay in a dangerous situation,. What matters is the quality of the relationship NOT the time-frame, plenty of people are in abusive relationships for long periods of time, this does not make their decision to stay a healthy choice. I sincerely wish you the best of luck, and I hope you remain safe and happy.

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