Riley i've added your name to the second American group list. To get the person address just click on the person's avatar and send a message to them letting them know that they are next after you in this swap and could they let you have their address. There isn't anyone after you at the mo tho as I'm still collecting names for the second group.
Posts by Arty Kitkat
I'd be up for another round
I love that bracelet
Really pretty colours creative I can't wait till I can post mine. In the event Savalou checks here's a teaser
<a href="" title="Spine of journal by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Spine of journal" /></a>
I got Martha's last week and have filled it in so I should be able to stick it in the post tomorrow
Cloudgurl1986 - I've added you to the America 2 list on page 1.
Thats how it should work - if they put contact details or details of their blog or twitter or whatever they choose you can keep in contact. You will also have filled in a page in their book.
I just spotted a new person signing up Hi JellyStitches - as the USA group is already rolling I will start a new list off and put you at the top. It may mean waiting a little bit for some new American crafters to sign up but I think that will work better than trying to add a new person to an existing group. I hope that sounds okay. I will put the new list on page 1 off this thread so its easy to find.
Sorry Pepperpotts I just saw your post. Debs explained it perfectly though so thank you Debs It looks complicated when written down but once it gets going it will become clearer.
I'm trying to think of something that its like - have you ever played the game at school with 3 friends where everyone has a piece of paper - everyone draws a head at the top and folds it over. It gets passed round in a circle and then everyone draws the middle bit of the body with arms and folds it over again. It goes round like this until the legs and feet are drawn and then gets passed back the person who started it and everyone opens the paper up and has a strange kind of creature that everyone has drawn a bit off.
Its a little like that, except we're not drawing a creature, we're creating little friendship books where each page has something written on it from each of the 5 other people on the list.
When you get them back at the end (fingers crossed noone vanishes in a puff off smoke!) you will know a little bit about each of the people and you get to know each other better. Also you will have these little books where everyone has personalised a page with their own style - its lovely when it works
Thank you I can't wait to see what you did.
I've added yours too
Pepperpotts - yeah you fill in the next page and send it on the next person. You should have also made one for yourself and sent that onto the next person. Don't worry about asking questions - it makes more sense as it goes along
mine got sent out Saturday so it should be with Synthetic stars soon
ooh cool teaser Ale
Don't worry about them all being different - I think thats the fun part
These were the bits I made Pepperpotts - I think she was having trouble getting to grips with posting pics so I thought I'd put some up instead.
<a href="" title="Bits I've made for Newbie swap on CO&K by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Bits I've made for Newbie swap on CO&K" /></a>