Posts by Arty Kitkat

    I posted out today - sorry meant to do it Friday but was running late for work and forgot it. Mary, I hope you like what I sent. I haven't done a swap in ages as I had my fingers burnt by the last couple I did, but I really enjoyed doing this one. I might become a bit more of a regular here again Happy

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    I've bought all my sweeties and nearly finished my crafting - just one more thing to finish and then I should be sending out tomorrow or Friday at the latest Happy

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    Mary I think I can do that Happy When I first started seeing my boyfriend I was really tiny so he used to call me his Ginger Thin - I've filled out in the last 15 years so I'm now his Ginger Nut Happy

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    Dragonfly - so sorry to hear you've had such sad news Happy

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    I've posted something on facebook as I have lots of non UK CO&K friends. Hopefully we'll get some more names soon Happy

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    Name Kat (Arty Kitkat)

    Location UK

    International/Local International

    Candy/Chocolate preferences and allergies: none I love all things sweetie Happy

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    Heres what I got from Martha

    <a href="" title="Tea Swap from Martha by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Tea Swap from Martha" /></a>

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    I got mine from Martha today so will get taking pics later Happy Martha's also messaged me to say she got hers today too!

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    I posted out Tuesday so Martha should be getting her package any day now.

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    Me and Martha are a little behind schedule but are sending out this week. I should be able to post tomorrow Happy I love looking at everyone else's pics. The Alice in Wonderland jewellery is amazing.

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    I got my parcel today from kiddo - I especially love the Lolcats hat and Red Dwarf stuff (although I love everything) Happy

    <a href="" title="110320112078 by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="180" height="240" alt="110320112078" /></a>

    <a href="" title="Geeky Swap from Kiddo Happy by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Geeky Swap from Kiddo Happy" /></a>

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    I've heard from Kiddo and my geeky bits have reached her \o/ I took some pics before sending so I thought I'd share Happy

    <a href="" title="Geeky Swap Happy by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="377" alt="Geeky Swap Happy" /></a>

    She sent out about the same time as me so I can't wait Happy

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    I'm all done so I'm ready to send out Monday Happy Lovely stuff Pammers and Debs!

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    I've made contact with Martha and we're both crafting away Happy

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    Michelle, is Martha, Ezmes' sister? I can't find her on here to message her so could you ask her to message me.

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