Posts by Arty Kitkat

    Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments Happy

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    Thank you Happy Sugar I'm so pleased you liked it all and it arrived it one piece x.

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    This is a brilliant idea. I felt v green going into the last one with all the seasoned pros Happy You were all made me really welcome but it might be good to try one as a newbie.

    COK name: Arty Kitkat
    Location: Hertfordshire, UK
    Newbie/Veteran: Newbie

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    This sounds cool Happy I'll do this.

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    Here's my piccies as promised Happy

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    Its here \o/ Sugar I love all the bits, especially the ring, earrings and bag. I'm off out in a few minutes but will post pics when I get back. Thank you loads x I really hope you like what I have made you as much x

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    No note yet. Fingers crossed it will turn up this week Happy

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    Sugar, yours should be winging its way to you. Happy I apologise if its a bit tricky to get into though. I was a bit paranoid about the postal service so it very well rapped! Lots a lots of sticky tape used. Happy

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    Ooooh =) I've just got some last bits to finish off and then I shall post. I probably won't get a chance till Wednesday as thats my day off. I hope thats okay. x

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    I took these pics at a local garden centre as it might give some ideas - there were things like tool belts, garden signs, mobiles, kneeling mats, gardening logs (i.e. like diaries not like big sticks), decorated plant pots, all sorts. I hope this gives some ideas.

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    I'm getting very excited now Happy I must get on and finish my bits. I hope you like my makes Sugar.

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    I'm happy for people to interpret the gardening theme any way they wish so they could include lavender bags, dreamcatchers, windcharms, garden ornaments, things with plants or flowers on even.... I'm happy for people to use they creative powers any way they wish Happy As for the cactus.... I think cactus's are deceptively difficult to grow so don't feel bad that it died. They are so easy to over water! And they're really hard to gauge when they need water as they don't have much to wilt. Half of the battle with gardening is in the planning. Somethings are just really tricky to grow in certain climates. Sugar you should try sunflowers, they're great for kids too as they grow really quickly and have lovely flowers and the bees and butterflys love them. You just need to keep them watered. The best way to check if something needs watering is to stick your finger in the soil. If it comes out dirty its fine and can go another day. If it comes out clean they it could do with a drink. Its a similar principle to cakes Happy I hope that helps.

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    I agree with everyone else, she looks exceptionally cute.

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    Cool design Sugar Happy

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    Yeah its good fun Happy Thanks.

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