Posts by Arty Kitkat

    Has anyone heard from Mags-a-million. I messaged her about a week ago to say I was almost ready to send out and to see how she was getting on and I've heard nothing. I've also been in quite a few swaps now where I've sent off but got nothing back so I'm getting a bit worried. I hope everythings okay.

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    Don't worry your not the only one whos been flaky, I keep putting things down then forgetting where or walking into rooms at work and wondering what I went in there for! I'm blaming the weather - its been really humid here and it makes everything feel like such an effort. I'll take some pics tonight and post them tomorrow.

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    I got mine today from Tara - all really cool. Will take some pics later to post Happy

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    Cool Happy

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    Finally got my crafty mojo back and have now made 6 out of 7 so should be done by the middle of next week.

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    Congratulations Happy Its just like my sloth too Happy

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    All done \o/ Just about to address the jiffy bag and will send out next week Happy

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    I'm almost done, just two more tinies and then its ready to send out. I'm just having some inspirational pizza and hopefully will get finished this weekend Happy

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    Nice earrings Creative & Sugar Happy I can't wait till mine arrive. Posted mine to Tara last Wednesday so I'm guessing it takes about 2 weeks to reach US, hopefully quicker but I'm not sure.

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    My one for Savalou is still sitting on a shelf at home as I don't have her address. She messaged me a while back to say that she needed to put things on hold as she's a bit swamped with stuff at home. I'm not sure the current situation now and the message I got was over a month ago.

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    Here are all my tinies from Kiddo Happy I love them all, especially the tiny plushies.

    <a href="" title="Goodies from Kiddo in Tiny Swap Happy by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Goodies from Kiddo in Tiny Swap Happy" /></a>

    <a href="" title="Tiny Bag of Tiny Goodies by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Tiny Bag of Tiny Goodies" /></a>

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    I've not been good the last couple of weeks so have hit a bit crafters block. I finished up the Earrings swap though tonight so hopefully that should get me going again and I've already made about 4 things so hopefully I should be done within the next couple of weeks.

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    Yay Kiddo I got yours today \o/ Like a twit though I forgot to put it in my bag so its still in my in tray at work! Doh. I've made 4 things and have ideas for the others so I should be ready to send out next week. I've been a bit poo in terms of mood lately and its kind of zapped my creativity Happy I'm gradually getting there though.

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    I've finished all mine tonight so I should be able to send out Monday or Tuesday. Also I heard from Tara and she's done too and sending out next week Happy

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    Sorry Martha I forgot to say that I'd heard from her. I think she was just a bit snowed under but was on the case.

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