Posts by Felecity W.

    She sounds like a poisonous "friend", if I were you the friendship would have already been over. If you want this girl to remain in your life, then you might as well get used to her antics. Also don't expect her to change if you never vocalize your feelings. Technically your silence could be considered "permission" for her to keep acting the way she does, after all, you never said you don't like it.
    You will have to decide what's more important to you, having a solar system of friends or having people around you that don't try to drag you down or purposely cause you emotional distress.

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    You could try using two separate pieces of paper for each earring and gluing them together this should make it stronger, you could even add a couple layers in between to make it really stiff.

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    My town has a gourmet dressing and olive oil store and next time I need a hostess gift I intend on getting something from there. Depending on if it's just dinner or something more personal like a baby shower would affect the gift you get.
    Spa baskets are nice, although sometimes played out they are usually appreciated esp. if you can throw in something you made yourself like bath salts,soap,herbal flower bath soaks, etc. Wine is always a safe bet, although maybe not so appropriate considering the occasion.
    You could also consider getting something she likes just a nicer(more expensive) version so for candles try Yankee, Woodwick, Molton Brown, etc.

    If I think of more I will update, congrats on the baby!

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    I like Zooey's look as well here's some ideas to get you started.
    She tends to stick with vintage silhouettes (tucked waist, A-line skirts. high-waisted shorts, cuffed skinny jeans, structured tops) She also uses fun accessories to brighten up her look, think fun tights, bright shoes, bows, hearts, bold 60's type jewelry...I went photo crazy so ya...

    This girl has a ton of great pics to give you an idea of what to look for in thrift stores.

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    You could modify this project to make it into customized knitting needles with adorable toppers.

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    Apples and PB is super yummy! Also a quesadilla, sliced veggies and hummus, nachos, smoothies, toasted PB&J, Banana slices on toasted bread with PB, chips and salsa.

    I like to make a big bowl of hummus and use it up throughout the week with sliced veggies, toasted pita bread, and even olive oil dipping sauce if I'm feeling like something "sophisticated".
    Hope these ideas help you out Happy

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    I use cheap Barbasol shaving cream on my legs because it's more fluffy and seems to help with irritation, also I use a mens electric razor because I think girl razors don't work as well. I haven't had any irritation or problems since I switched razors over 5 years ago so maybe try that.

    And I agree always lotion up right after your shower while your pores are still open, this helps lock the moisture in and keeps you from getting that nasty black hair follicle leg look.

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    Ohh Science Diet gave my kitty the runs as well. We switched to an organic food called Spots Stew and they haven't had any problems, also their coats have gotten very shiny and healthy and they have had less that's an option.
    You could always "trim" the hair around the tush so maybe it won't get as messy. I think groomers will do something like that

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    Rubbing alcohol usually works to get gunky stuff off, so does Opps if you have any of that. If you use water and dry it right away it shouldn't rust.

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    Oh garlic is yummy! Try roasting it with veggies in the oven, in sauces, sauteed with kale or spinach, also garlic mashed potatoes are amazing!

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    When I got married I could only cook maybe 2 things and I have gotten alot better. Just try new recipes and don't be afraid when things don't turn out perfect the first time, cooking is alot of practice. I have also found that if you follow the directions exactly the first time and don't try to improvise, things generally turn out better.
    Try these super easy and yummy recipes I have made in the past. Let me know how they turn out!

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    You could always hang a light colored painting on a wall to brighten up a space. I also use alot of matted photoes in bright colored frames, since the matte is the same color as the wall it seems to brighten up the space more than a traditional photo without a matte.
    Also glass top furniture helps make a space seem less cramped. Hope some of these help, I have a small house and they have helped us Happy Congrats on the new place!

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    Custom guitar picks! Just use old credit cards and trace a guitar pick onto the hard card material then cut out and sand the edges with nail file. You can also paint them if you want to make them more unique.
    You could also cut a normal pick in half and make "best friend" necklaces. Or you could embroider a guitar strap for him with his favorite lyrics.

    Even a custom painted box to keep picks and strings in would probably be appreciated.

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    yay, I'm glad everything arrived safe and quickly. The little charm bracelets were only 50cents! I never knew walmart had a $1 area till this swap so this was fun and educational. Thanks for the great idea Monika!

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    I just googled pictures but you could probably make the dress easy out of a long mens shirt. Just get one where if you remove the sleeves and hem it will fit as in the photo then just pin along your body to make it a little more fitted and then add a wider hem to the bottom or just leave as is. That's what I would do anyway, I'm not a seamstress though., so good luck!

    Also Deb Shops always has shirts and dresses in this style.

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