Posts by Arty Kitkat

    thats a v cool bag. Is it comfortable to carry?

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    Cross stitch is cool and really good as if you make a mistake you can undo it Happy We have some of those in our pound shop which would be good for practise so I might try that. KT, I'm a Support Worker. Thank you you've reminded me that I had a Watercolour course run in my group a few years ago which went really well. I could see if theres interest in doing that again. I really admire anyone that can do watercolour tho, its a medium I've never got the hang of :/

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    I reread the article today and its really sloppily written and researched. They've got a psychiatrist muddled up with a psychologist and said that a particular drug was for anxiety when its an antipsychotic. Fair enough antipsychotic drugs can be used for anxiety in low doses but aghhhh.... My main concern is for the people out there who read these kind of articles and don't question things. Not that long ago I was watching the lunchtime news on ITV (terrestrial channel in UK) and they said they said that Schizophrenia was a Personality Disorder. They're two v different problems. Sometimes people have both but they're not the same :/

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    I reread the article today and its really sloppily written and researched. They've got a psychiatrist muddled up with a psychologist and said that a particular drug was for anxiety when its an antipsychotic. Fair enough antipsychotic drugs can be used for anxiety in low doses but aghhhh.... My main concern is for the people out there who read these kind of articles and don't question things. Not that long ago I was watching the lunchtime news on ITV (terrestrial channel in UK) and they said they said that Schizophrenia was a Personality Disorder. They're two v different problems. Sometimes people have both but they're not the same :/

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    I work in mental health (and have experienced problems myself) and recently one of our ex clients passed away. He was only young (mid 30s) and he was lovely. He lived with a horrible illness and was so brave in the way he managed it. He genuinely inspired others. He not only completed years of study, he had his own business providing a service to others. The results of the inquest have now been published and what does the local paper do???? Writes this horrendous article where he's referred to as "Schizophrenic". His name and age appear later in the article. I know I'm preaching to the converted but it really pisses me off that this happens time and time again. They also wrote a whole load of sensationalist nonsense about his lifestyle making him sound awful Happy Thankfully my managers written a brilliant and scathing letter to the paper re this but nevertheless the articles out there for all to read and judge and think the worst!!

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    I think I've found a way to make it beep when you get a message. You go to settings and then edit preferences and tick beep.

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    Cool. I'll try and do the same Happy

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    I've updated my profile with a bit more info if that helps. Is there a time when we have to have these done by? Obviously I won't be ages but its good to have a timescale as a guide Happy

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    Thank you Happy It depends on the individual some of the group do some really complicated stuff. I have to take the keep it simple rule tho with three out of the four which struggle as their concentration is quite poor and they need to go for a walk after about 20 minutes. I have one in the group tho who's very young and is a thinker. He says he likes a project as it keeps him going for a few weeks. I think he's got real potential if he wanted to study it but cos he hasn't really done much art until he became ill he doesn't have much confidence Happy They're a lovely bunch tho and have done some really interesting stuff in their life so its not hard to be patient.

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    I can't work out how to add a pic so I'll give the location instead

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    You look like you could pull of short hair Happy I think something cut to around the line of the bottom of you ear would suit you - it would show off your cheek bone. You could wear is behind your ear on one side and have it straight. I've have a look around online for a pic as I've got something in my head but I've never been good at talking hairdresser talk so can't describe it v well.

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    Making a meeting time sounds like a good idea. I've been trying to load it up each time I switch my laptop on so its in the background. Thats what my bf does as it apparently changes colour when someone has said anything.

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    I try to have a clear out of my bag every so often as I'm one of those kitchen sink people that carries everything around with them. At the moment I have a bottle of water, mints, mobile, wallet, loyalty cards/library cards etc, lip balm, photocard for the train, timetable, notepad, fountain pen, tissues, comb, my travel sickeness tablets, plastic teaspoon, emergency tampon, plasters, sachet of handcream, bag of peardrops and the book I'm reading (Persuasion by Jane Austin) and emergency mini mascara Happy

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    I'm sure there are versions of it for mac's. Check here Its the official site and says it can be downloaded for macs. Its v addictive tho Happy

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    Courgettes are great to grow if you like them. They're so easy and you get millions from just a few plants. The only thing they need is quite a bit of space and water. They also are really expensive when you buy them in the shop.

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