December 2009
I've got the blues 13th December 2009I have a nasty case of the blues
although i do suffer from depression and anxiety this is just situational stuff that is bumming me out. I'm going to list them and hopefully it will make me feel better. feel free to post your own blues as well 1- i had a table at the craft...
10 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago -
CURSES to craft tools that injure u!!! 11th December 2009I was making a pine cone into skiing santa (from a how to) last night. And I was using my Super hot glue gun (had been heating so long a glue drop tower had formed in the dish). I put a thick coating of glue on a strip of fur and as i went to turn it over and stick it to my...18 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Where are YOU from? 10th December 2009hey ther Crafty gals [and guts if there are any lol] just wanted to knw where everyone was from, im form chicago Il
i was kind of hoping to find more CO&Kers form chicago but please feel free to post your hometown wahtever it is!
1 reply · Last reply over 15 years ago -
cheer me up please?? 6th December 2009i'm feeling a bit not-as-happy-as-usual over the last couple of days, nothing serious I just dont feel very excited about christmas as usual (i'm 15 now and it all seems a bit OTT to me), and the weather is so miserable you just cant help but feel a bit down at the mo. just...17 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Panic Attacks 6th December 2009I always thought I was very depressed, because I've had episodes of these ever since I was tiny - but I just recently figured out that I'm having panic attacks! They usually come out of nothing and I get very doom and gloom, my heart races, I feel queasy, I get hot and cold...19 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
rude people issue 5th December 2009i like to craft. i am not a machine and so things don't always turn out perfect. I also feel like objects in reality are open for interpretation. For example there are no such things as pink bunny rabbits. bunny rabbit are gray, white, brown/tan/fawn or black. but if my artist...33 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Feminists - Don't Take It Anymore! 3rd December 2009There's a Facebook group that I'm trying to get rid of by getting a million people to report: "Why do girls bitch about boys on facebook , when they should be washing up." Can be found here: It's not that I don't have a...21 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Where to find plaster gauze? 3rd December 2009hello, i am looking for plaster gauze to make a cast so i can make a dress form like what this woman did in the link i need to tho where to find Plaster gauze in chicago illinois i cannot order online so please no...4 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Do-these-things-or-you're-doomed list 3rd December 200917... though still not an adult, not at all far from being an adult. It's only recently hit me that as much as I am happy and lucky enough to have such a kind, and caring family, they are treating me too young for my age and look down on me. I complain enough about my family...13 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
All Animals Lovers!! 2nd December 2009I am a HUGE Believer in the The Power of Positive Thinking So I ask all Animals Lovers to Keep My Cat Puddin in their thoughts today and send him GET BETTER VIBES, as he is at the vet and is very very sick
They are not sure what is wrong with him and it is breaking my heart...
7 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago -
I hate Ikea 1st December 2009A couple of weeks ago we bought 5 Billy book cases. That week they had a 25% discount on the whole Billy series. The doors for those were temporarily sold out they said. Mmm, we called before we came and they had lots in store they said... Anyway, we bought the book cases and...25 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
November 2009
Mid-life crisis? 28th November 2009I just want to know what are some of the typical signs of a parent going through their mid-life crisis. My dad is fine. It's my mom who I suspect is going through it. Though she's always had an attitude I realized it has been rising for the past couple of years. Without...7 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Through an Email 28th November 2009To Ginger. I wish you knew the reason why I haven’t call you for a long time. It’s impossible to be with you anymore. Not only my mom stopped me to go back to you crying but also my family told me to break off if I go. And here is more. Do you remember when we walked around...17 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Student Loans SUCK! 27th November 2009Sooo...I was assessed to get 640 a month from student loans to live on. Awesome, that does cover living expenses so I had planned for that. Now...I got reassessed...for $410 a month, I cant even pay rent. My job is on campus and doesnt give enough hours. So I am stuck needing...4 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Quit smoking 25th November 2009UGHHH I feel like crap. Today is day 1 for me..I have eaten way to much today, feel like im gonna explode. Cant stop thinking about smoking. Any successful quitters out there able to give me a few tips? I know gum.. etc is supposed to help.. but how do you get past that little...17 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Black friday discounts!!! 24th November 2009It pains me to say this, but I have chosen not to go to the mall this Black Friday and instead go to Michaels Arts and Crafts store.
As much as I want a half priced Hollister top... it shall be put on the back burner... My dad paid for the tools getting started on beading and...
14 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago -
Mexicans unite XD and anybody else XD 23rd November 2009I'm just a little curious of how many people are of Mexican ancestry let me tell you guys a little about myself i was born in the united states lived there my whole life until now i live in jalisco now and to be honest with you guys i LOVE it here i met some of the greatest...2 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
that one kid with the beard 23rd November 2009is really cute they introduced us a WHILE back im pretty sure he doesn't remember my name how can i start talking to him again without it being akward XD his cute trust me2 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Pet Peeves 22nd November 2009Ok, so lastnight we started painting our kitchen. We rented a paint sprayer to paint the celing (not the first time we have rented one) And from previous experience, we know that these little paint driplets get EVERYWHERE, so it's important to cover everything, right? Well not...20 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Shop Name 21st November 2009I'm having a hard time thinking of a name for my new shop. I'm going to sell a variety of different things, pretty much anything that comes to mind. (Paintings,jewelry,clothes,accessories,handbags,toys,shoes...) How did you come up with your shop name? Or any advice how to...13 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
lack of creativity.. 20th November 2009do you ever feel depressed because of that? I do
or when you feel like making something but don't know what? or when you realise you don't have the materials you need..? Do you think creativity is something that can be learnt or that you just born with?
28 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago -
Preschoolers and Kittens 19th November 2009So I rescued a 4-6 wk. old kitten from abandonment outside my apartments, a few nights ago. I have a daughter, Sofi who will be turning 3 in February. She happened to be spending a couple days at her dad's house, when I brought him home, but she came home yesterday afternoon....7 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
foam stamps 19th November 2009haha so i thought i was being all crafty making some homemade stamps from the caps of plastic bottles and some foam stickers.. i made a bunch and even mails some out then i relized i didnt even try them out so i took out my ink pad and started stamping some and they were all...2 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Cancer Sucks 17th November 2009We all know that this disease is not to play around. I for one know how it can effect someone emotionally and physically. Both my dad and sister in law are in remission from their cancer. Unfortunately both my grandparents passed away with their cancers. I know first hand we...3 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
"The customer's always right." SAYS WHO? 17th November 2009Reading and posting on another thread prompted me to post this one. Who else thinks that statement is bunch of bull?! I think that whenever a "customer" spats that mess, they are usually trying to be shady about something and/or get something for free. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm a...33 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
People bringing down creativity? 17th November 2009Not too long ago I thought that taking up crafts in my spare time would be a good and fun hobby. Hardly ever find anything I really want in the stores. And when I do find something cool they're usually at a ridiculously high price. For example: a cute, small liquid bottle...30 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
frustrating partners 16th November 2009I am so frigging frustrated at my partner right now I've been trying to clean up our place as we've got a two bedroom home and just way to much junk, that half of its spilling outside (literally) its not un hygenic looking its just messy looking and its getting to the stage...14 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
big shopping experience (not a nice one either) 15th November 2009So I'm a bigger gal and whilst usually I don't care about what others think of my looks wise its just gotten to me recently and I think its due to my own anxiety issues (I suffer chronic agoraphobia) however usually when I go out shopping I don't care about the sly looks some...28 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Backstabbers. 15th November 2009So, this girl has been my best friend since I was in grade 2, Im now were grade eight, so its been pretty long. Anyway lets call her Maddie. So back in June, she got this boyfriend named brett. Hes rude and mean to me&her. The sad thing is shes only 13 and they already had...15 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
in law rant 13th November 2009parents are one thing but in laws are another! ARRGGGHH, my husband's family practically invited themselves over for Thanksgiving. I am happy to have them because I love to host ( easier for me to haul my toddlers and their crap and have about 10 anxiety attacks in the...27 replies · Last reply over 15 years ago
Need a Rant.
Vacation-based rant...
I can't link to my facebook
Bye CO and K :(
What It’s Like to Chill Out With Whom the Rest of the World Considers As The Most Ruthless Men: Ratko Mladic, Goran Hadzic and Radovan Karadzic (+) Confessions of a Female War Crimes Investigator By Jill Louise Starr NJ USA
Sewing help?